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    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS ERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Interna
    E*******'S BSS
    E******* WIDE INTERNAL
    1 Revision History................................................................... 2
    2 Purpose and scope.............................................................. 2
    3 Glossary .............................................................................. 3
    3.1 Abbreviations....................................................................... 3
    3.2 Concepts ............................................................................. 4
    4 Introduction..........................................................................4
    5 Requirements for Packet Data............................................. 5
    5.1 Software .............................................................................. 5
    5.2 Hardware............................................................................. 5
    5.3 BSC PCU Capacity and A-bis Configuration........................ 7
    5.4 Core Network ...................................................................... 7
    6 Channel Allocation...............................................................8
    7 Cell Planning Aspects of Packet Data ................................. 8
    7.1 General................................................................................8
    7.2 Introducing GPRS CS3/CS4 and EDGE in a
    Synthesizer Frequency Hopping Network ............................ 9
    7.3 Introducing GPRS CS3/CS4 and EDGE in a Baseband
    Frequency Hopping Network ............................................. 10
    7.4 Network configuration........................................................ 12
    8 Output power for GMSK and 8PSK ................................... 13
    8.1 Background .......................................................................13
    8.2 Non-BCCH TRU carrying EDGE traffic.............................. 13
    8.3 BCCH TRU carrying EDGE traffic...................................... 14
    9 References ........................................................................ 16
    2(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    1 Revision History
    Rev Date Description
    A 2001-12-11 Created.
    2 Purpose and scope
    The Configuration Guideline describes different configuration aspects which
    needs to be considered while implementing the packet data services GPRS
    CS3/CS4 and EDGE in an E******* GSM network. The document gives
    suggestions on how to configure the networks, but no specific
    Note that this is a release independent document, which does not state when
    the features will be available.
    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSSERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Internal
    3 Glossary
    3.1 Abbreviations
    BB Base Band
    BCCH Broadcast Control Channel
    BSC Base Station Controller
    BTS Base Transceiver Station
    CS Coding Scheme
    DTX Discontinuous Transmission
    EDGE Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution
    EGPRS Enhanced GPRS
    FLP Fractional Load Planning
    GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
    GoS Grade of Service
    GPRS General Packet Radio Service
    LQC Link Quality Control
    MCS Modulation Coding Scheme
    MRP Multiple Reuse Patterns
    PDCH Packet Data Channel
    PSK Phase Shift Keying
    SY Synthesizer
    TBF Temporary Block Flow
    TCH Traffic CHannel
    TRU Transceiver Unit
    WWW World Wide Web
    4(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    3.2 Concepts
    8PSK 8 Phase Shift Keying is a new modulation method which enables
    higher data rates than GMSK.
    IR Incremental Redundancy (IR) is an approach to adapt the code
    rate to the channel quality.
    LA Link Adaptation (LA) is an approach to select the most optimum
    coding scheme based on the radio link quality.
    LQC The LQC algorithm controls the selection of coding scheme to
    be used for the transmission. LQC can use either IR or LA, see
    ref [2].
    BB Hop In baseband frequency hopping, each transmitter is assigned
    with a fixed frequency. At transmission, all bursts, irrespective
    of which connection, are routed to the appropriate transmitter of
    the proper frequency.
    SY Hop Synthesizer hopping means that one transmitter handles all
    bursts that belong to a specific connection. In contrast to
    baseband hopping, the transmitter tunes to the correct frequency
    at the transmission of each burst.
    4 Introduction
    The purpose of this document is to present the most important information
    regarding the implementation of EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in an E*******
    GSM network. A basic requirement for these services is that the BSS and BTS
    SW can handle EDGE and CS3/CS4. By introducing EDGE and CS3/CS4 also
    new hardware is required. Which HW to use and how this is to be configured
    is strongly dependent on the existing HW configuration and the capacity
    demand. The impact on the frequency planing varies depending on the
    strategies of the operator and the available hardware. Furthermore, the
    document describes the effects of the average power reduction on the EDGE
    signal due to the 8PSK modulation.
    In the E******* R8 version of GPRS the only coding schemes available have
    been CS1 and CS2. From release 9.1 it will also be possible to use the coding
    schemes CS3 and CS4 on the downlink, meaning that the system can choose
    between CS1 to CS4. The higher coding schemes uses less coding bits for
    error correction and can therefore be used to increase the throughput for
    connection with good radio conditions.
    EDGE introduces a new modulation method (8PSK), which enables higher
    data rates than GMSK. Compared to GPRS, also the RLC protocol is
    enhanced with e.g. an extended transmit window, refined ACK/NACK reports
    and the possibility to resegment data and therefore to retransmit with a
    different MCS. More information can be found in ref [3 and 6].
    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSSERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Internal
    When dimensioning a network for packet data, it is the general C/I conditions
    in the network that is of interest. Given a certain frequency plan, cell plan and
    traffic load, the throughput per timeslot can be derived through simulations.
    For EDGE this is described in the EDGE bandwidth dimensioning guideline
    ref [3].
    The coverage of EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 will be as good as for GPRS
    CS1/CS2 since all the signaling is done using the most robust coding scheme
    (MSC1 or CS1). Investigations have shown that wherever there is speech
    coverage there will also be packet data coverage, see ref [1]. The header in
    packet data is very safe coded and there should be no problems to decode the
    Uplink State Flag (USF) giving uplink coverage.
    In GPRS the link control is controlled by Link Adaptation. For a network
    capable of CS4 this means that the system can choose between the coding
    schemes CS1 to CS4, depending on the radio link quality.
    In EDGE the Link Quality Control (LQC) algorithm aims at achieving the
    highest possible throughput for the end user. This is done by dynamically
    selecting the most optimal MCS to be used. In the MCS selection process, two
    different modes of operation are used; Incremental Redundancy (IR) or Link
    Adaptation (LA). See ref [2].
    5 Requirements for Packet Data
    5.1 Software
    In order to support the higher coding schemes for GPRS (CS3/CS4) and/or
    EDGE both the BSC and the BTS require new SW.
    5.2 Hardware
    The ambition is to introduce packet data at minimal effort and cost. In other
    words, the impact of the packet data system on the network architecture must
    be small, and the system should permit operators to reuse most of the existing
    base station equipment.
    All RBS HW available since 1991 (RBS 200 and RBS 2000) supports GPRS
    CS1/CS2. To support GPRS CS3/CS4 and EDGE a need for more processing
    capacity and memory demands the new HW platform of TRU (sTRU EDGE,
    dTRU and dTRU EDGE).
    The RBS 2101/2102/2202 macro base stations are hardware prepared to
    support EDGE as well as CS3/CS4 using the plug-in single EDGE sTRU. This
    transceiver unit will fit in a TRU slot of the current RBS 2000 macro base
    stations. No further changes to the cabinet are needed in order to get EDGE
    and CS3/CS4 up and running. Back plane, DXU and combiner structures stay
    unchanged. However, the maximum number of GPRS and EDGE timeslots
    6(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    that can be supported in one cabinet are limited by the capacity of the PCMlink
    and the architecture of the DXU.
    On the RBS 2000 it is possible to increase the EDGE and CS3/CS4 capacity
    per sector by replacing the old DXUs (01/02/03/11), that only support one
    EDGE sTRU per cell, with the new DXU-21 which supports up to 12 EDGE
    sTRUs per cell, see table 1.
    Note that by switching form the current DXUs (01/02/03/11) to DXU-21, for
    all RBS 2000 base stations, the local bus, timing buss and x bus have to be
    replaced by the new "Y bus". An upgrade kit will be available for easy
    implementation, see ref [7].
    Table 1. Examples of configurations for EDGE with DXU-11 and DXU-21
    (#cells X #TRUs).
    Sector configuration 1X6 3X2 3X4 1X12
    Configuration for EDGE with DXU-11 1X1 3X1 3X1 1X1
    Configuration for EDGE with DXU-21 1X6 3X2 3X4 1X12
    The RBS 2206/2106 is delivered capable of GPRS CS1 to CS4. As an option
    it can be fully equipped to also handle EDGE. Both the dTRU and the EDGE
    dTRU support GPRS CS1 to CS4. For EDGE it is required to use the EDGE
    dTRU. The base station is equipped with DXU-21.
    The new RBS 2205 will support EDGE and GPRS CS1 to CS4 on the sector
    part through the EDGE sTRU. This is however not finalised.
    The RBS2301 micro supports GPRS CS1/CS2 if a DSP cluster is deployed.
    GPRS CS3/CS4 and EDGE is not supported.
    The RBS2302 micro supports GPRS CS1/CS2.
    The RBS2401 micro micro supports GPRS CS1/CS2. GPRS CS3/CS4 and
    EDGE is not supported.
    The RBS 200 supports GPRS CS1/CS2. In order to introduce EDGE and/or
    GPRS CS3/CS4 to a RBS 200 network it is required to combine the RBS 200
    with a RBS 2000 using TG synchronization, see ref [5].
    The RBS2308 micro will support EDGE as well as GPRS CS1 to CS4.
    All future base stations are planned to support EDGE and GPRS CS1 to CS4.
    For detailed information, see ref [7].
    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSSERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Internal
    5.3 BSC PCU Capacity and A-bis Configuration
    The processing capacity of the BSC will not be impacted by the introduction
    of packet data in terms of number of TRX, the E******* BSC will still support
    up to 1020 TRX. In the BSC no extra hardware is needed for the EDGE and
    CS3/CS4 support as such. However, if the traffic requirements exceed the
    capacity installed, then additional transmission links (E1/T1) are needed. The
    PCU, which is situated in the BSC, could of course also be affected when
    traffic requirements exceed the installed PCU capacity. In the time frame
    when EDGE and CS3/CS4 will be available, the PCU capacity can be
    increased. This will be achieved by extending the number of RPP boards. The
    PCU will then have sufficient capacity to handle the growth for both GPRS
    and for EDGE traffic. The PCU will be enhanced so four 16 kbps GSL
    devices can be reserved for each Basic Physical Channel (BPC).
    With “normal” GSM, every air timeslot uses 16 kbps transmission capacity to
    the BSC. Four air timeslots are combined to a 64 kbps PCM timeslot. The
    transmission need for an EDGE air timeslot can be as high as 59.2 kbps. This
    requires that one 64 kbps PCM timeslot is assigned to every EDGE air
    timeslot. Note that GPRS CS3 and CS4 also require one 64 kbps PCM
    timeslot for every air timeslot, whereas CS1 and CS2 only need 16 kbps PCM
    Depending on the existing utilisation of the PCM links, it can initially be
    possible to use spare 64 kbps transmission timeslots on the existing links for
    the EDGE and CS3/CS4 capable timeslots.
    5.4 Core Network
    When the data rate on the air interface is increased, this increases the demand
    for transmission capacity between the BSC and the SGSN node (Gb
    interface). However, for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4, the same physical links
    can be used as in GPRS CS1/CS2, i.e. the Frame Relay protocol.
    The SGSN supports the optional “MS Radio Access Capabilities” in terms of
    8PSK support or not (1 bit) which has to be reported to the PCU. This new bit
    is being set with the down link data unit (LLC PDU).
    8(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    6 Channel Allocation
    In a cell supporting packet data, the BSS system maintains two idle lists (GSM
    and the GPRS idle list) over all the available traffic channels. Initially all
    these idle channels belong to GSM idle list. When a packet data channel is
    required, the system first looks for a dedicated PDCH. If no channel is found
    (either there is no dedicated PDCH allocated in the cell or all PDCHs are
    busy), the system checks the GSM idle list.
    GPRS MSs will share the PDCHs with EDGE MSs. The channel allocation
    algorithm will investigate on which timeslots an incoming MS will get the
    best throughput and place it there. E.g. if the load on the EDGE capable
    timeslot is high this means that an EDGE MS might be allocated to timeslots
    that are only GPRS capable and vise versa. If a GPRS capable MS is assigned
    timeslots capable of EDGE, it will still only be GPRS capable.
    All packet data is assigned to EDGE capable timeslots as first choice.
    7 Cell Planning Aspects of Packet Data
    7.1 General
    Generally packet data is considered to have a better coverage than voice. This
    is due to the fact that all signaling is done using CS-1 (GPRS) or MCS-1
    (EDGE). Simulation and measurement results show that for noise limited
    systems packet data services have at least the same coverage as GSM voice
    When introducing EDGE into an already existing cell plan, the radio link
    throughput can be estimated with the help of the Radio Link Bandwidth
    Dimensioning Guideline, ref [3]. Dependent on cell plan, frequency re-use and
    frequency load the throughput per timeslot can be derived.
    The higher coding schemes provided by GPRS and EDGE are beneficial since
    they make use of good C/I conditions. However, to give certain application
    coverage over the whole network, the cell plan may be affected.
    In some configurations the output power for GMSK and 8PSK i.e. EDGE may
    differ. How this affects the cell plan is described in chapter 8.
    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSSERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Internal
    7.2 Introducing GPRS CS3/CS4 and EDGE in a
    Synthesizer Frequency Hopping Network
    7.2.1 Strategies
    Synthesized frequency hopping allows more frequencies per cell than there
    are transceivers. This is normally the case, and since there are more
    frequencies than transceivers each frequency is only used a fraction of the
    time. Hence it is called fractional load planning. The BCCH carriers are in
    most FLP networks non-hopping. For more information about FLP, see ref [4].
    There are basically three different strategies when implementing packet data
    into a FLP network:
    • Put packet data on the BCCH frequency.
    • Integrate packet data into the existing hopping CHGR.
    • Give dedicated frequency spectrum to packet data.
    When configuring packet data on the BCCH frequency, the interference in the
    network will not increase since the BCCH is always transmitting. The BCCH
    plan can be kept and no re-planning is needed. Depending on the control
    channel configuration, up to 7 channels can be used for the packet data. Note
    that if either of the 2 highest output power settings are used then timeslot 7
    can not carry EDGE traffic. See chapter 8. Furthermore, this power setting
    will cause the output power to differ between GMSK and 8PSK. It is believed
    that this will have minor effects on the network. See chapter 8.
    When integrating CS3/CS4 or EDGE into an existing hopping channel group
    there are two options; either to swap an existing TRU for an EDGE TRU or to
    expand the channel group with an EDGE TRU. The GoS for speech has to be
    taken into consideration when introducing the EDGE TRU.
    The packet data traffic will introduce interference into the network, as all
    traffic does. Meaning that when the traffic grows, the throughput for packet
    data may be lower just as the speech quality may be worsened.
    When using dedicated spectrum for packet data, the interference generated by
    the data traffic will not affect the speech frequencies. On the other hand, the
    frequency re-use probably has to be tightened for the speech traffic in order to
    free up some spectrum for packet data. Whilst doing this, the speech quality
    measures has to be monitored carefully. Dependent on the amount of packet
    data traffic, around 4-12 frequencies using a 1/1 frequency re-use would be
    recommended for CS3/CS4 and/or EDGE. By using synthesized frequency
    hopping and 1/1 the frequency planning will be easy for packet data.
    10(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    When using on-demand channels for packet data, the GoS for speech will not
    be affected if speech is set to have priority over packet data.
    Where to put the packet data channels is dependent on the strategy of the
    operator. However, initially it is presumably beneficial to put the data traffic
    on the BCCH, because:
    • Speech will be unaffected by the data traffic (no interference increase due
    to the carrier filling)
    • Easy to swap one TRU for an EDGE TRU
    • Enough with the timeslots on the BCCH for the initial GPRS and EDGE
    7.3 Introducing GPRS CS3/CS4 and EDGE in a
    Baseband Frequency Hopping Network
    7.3.1 Strategies
    Baseband frequency hopping means that the number of transceivers in a cell is
    equal to the number of frequencies. Each transceiver has its own frequency
    reuse pattern. An advantage of baseband hopping is that the BCCH carrier can
    be included in the hopping sequence.
    The following strategies can be used for introducing packet data in a baseband
    frequency hopping network:
    • Remove one frequency (BCCH TRU or non-BCCH TRU) from the
    hopping group and use it for CS3/CS4 and/or EDGE (one frequency group
    as no hopping for packet data)
    • Add one TRU for packet data and use dedicated spectrum (configured as
    no hopping)
    • Add one cabinet with EDGE TRU using TG Synchronization (configured
    as no hopping or preferably synthesized hopping)
    When swapping one TRU for an EDGE TRU, it has to be configured as no
    hopping, since the transceiver is locked to one frequency. The benefit with
    this solution would be low cost but there are several drawbacks. Since the
    EDGE TRU is non-hopping, the speech quality may be poor on that TRU. It
    all depends on the frequency re-use and the load of the TRU.
    When removing one frequency from the frequency group, the frequency
    hopping gain is decreased for the rest of the group. A minimum of 4 TRUs in
    one hopping group is recommended in order to utilize the frequency hopping
    If the packet data is placed on a BCCH, having a separate channel group, it is
    possible to make CS traffic to choose the BCCH as last choice by setting the
    CHALLOC parameter to last preference. Depending on the control channel
    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSSERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Internal
    configuration, up to 7 channels can be used for the packet data. Note that if
    either of the 2 highest output power settings are used then timeslot 7 can not
    carry EDGE traffic. See chapter 8. Furthermore, this power setting will cause
    the output power to differ between GMSK and 8PSK. It is believed that this
    will have minor effects on the network. See chapter 8.
    When adding one TRU and using dedicated spectrum, the rest of the baseband
    hopping frequency plan has to be tightened in order to free up frequencies.
    The quality has to be monitored. Furthermore there is also a risk of poor
    speech quality on the non-hopping TRU.
    When adding a cabinet for EDGE and CS3/CS4, the feature TG
    Synchronization can be used to connect the two cabinets to the same cell. The
    new EDGE TRU should be configured as synthesized frequency hopping in a
    1/1 frequency plan. The frequency planning will then be easy for packet data
    and the performance can easily be adjusted (by adding frequencies). Of course
    the EDGE TRU can be used for speech as well with good speech quality.
    Probably 4-5 frequencies needs to be set-aside for the new CS3/CS4 and
    EDGE frequency group which means that the MRP plan has to be tightened.
    The suggested method depends on the amount of spectrum:
    • Narrow band (<8MHz): FLP methods are recommended, 1/1, 1/3
    • Broad band (>8MHz): Free up frequencies for packet data and
    configure one extra channel group using SY and 1/1 for the packet
    12(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    7.4 Network configuration
    How to introduce EDGE and/or CS3/CS4 into an existing network is
    dependent the predicted load and on the current configuration. E.g. what type
    of combiners are used and what types of RBSs. In figure 1 some possible ways
    of configurations are presented. The initial configurations are shown to the
    left and the site evolution is represented as moving to the right. For a network
    consisting of RBS 200 these have to be co-sited or exchanged with RBS 2000
    in order to deploy EDGE and/or CS3/CS4. In an RBS 2000 network EDGE
    and CS3/CS4 can be implemented on the current equipment.
    Detailed configuration examples are presented in Appendix.
    Figure 1. The figure shows site evolution for implementing EDGE and/or
    CS3/CS4 in a network using either filter combiners or hybrid combiners. The
    evolution represented as going from the left to the right. In the figure the
    ordinary expansions are separated from the High Cap solutions.
    RBS 2206 CDU-G
    Filter Combiner
    RBS 200/205
    RBS 2000
    Continue with Filter
    Filter + EDGE on
    RBS 2000 CDU-D/F
    RBS 2206 CDU-F
    RBS 2000 CDU-C+
    RBS 2206 CDU-G
    Hybrid Combiner
    RBS 200/205
    RBS 2000
    RBS 2000 CDU-C+
    Exchange to
    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSSERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Internal
    8 Output power for GMSK and 8PSK
    8.1 Background
    Due to the linear 8PSK modulation used for EDGE, it will be difficult to
    design power amplifiers that operate with the same average output power for
    8PSK and GMSK. An average power decrease, approximately corresponding
    to the peak to average ratio for 8PSK can be expected.
    A typical example for an E******* TRU is showed below. Figures are in dBm.
    Note that the maximum and average output power is the same for GMSK,
    whereas for 8PSK the maximum average is used. The output power is set for
    GMSK, as usual, and when 8PSK is used the average output power is affected
    for the highest and second highest value.
    GMSK(max/average) 8PSK(max) 8PSK(average)
    47 47 44
    45 47 44
    43 46 43
    41 44 41
    Due to the difference in average output power for 8PSK compared to GMSK
    the TRU is automatically compensates the maximum output power for 8PSK.
    The GSM standard [GSM 05.08] state that the 8PSK timeslots on the BCCH
    carrier may, with the exception of timeslot 7, use a mean power that is at most
    4 dB lower than for GMSK timeslots.
    The BCCH information on timeslot 0 is always GMSK modulated.
    8.2 Non-BCCH TRU carrying EDGE traffic
    The circuit switched traffic carried on the EDGE TRU in this type of
    configuration will not suffer from the difference in output power.
    One concern when the lower output power is used for EDGE is the decoding
    of the Uplink State Flag, USF, that’s included in each radio block. The USF is
    however very safe coded in all coding schemes and should be able to cope
    with really low C/I. The coding of the USF is even more robust than MCS-1.
    14(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    8.3 BCCH TRU carrying EDGE traffic
    8.3.1 General
    Timeslot 0 on a BCCH carrier will carry the BCCH information, which has to
    be GMSK modulated. The remaining timeslots on the BCCH carrier have to
    use carrier filling, i.e. they have to be transmitting at all times.
    When timeslots on the BCCH carrier are used for EDGE traffic (8PSK
    modulation), they may be transmitting with lower signal strength than when
    using GMSK modulation (only when maximum or second maximum output
    power is used). This will result in a varying output power of the BCCH carrier
    depending on the EDGE load on the BCCH TRU. Circuit switched traffic on
    the EDGE TRU will still use the output power specified in the BTS.
    According to the standard [GSM 05.08] is no output power variations on the
    BCCH timeslot 7 allowed. EDGE can consequently not be transmitted on
    timeslot 7 when either of the 2 highest output power levels is used. When
    lower output power is used can EDGE also be applied on timeslot 7.
    The possible effects of varying signal strength on the BCCH carrier are listed
    in section 8.3.2 – 8.3.5. It is however important to stress that for most
    networks these effects are considered minor due to the small actual average
    variation. An estimation of the actual average variation is performed in section
    8.3.2 Coverage
    Due to the power decrease on the BCCH, the coverage area for a cell might be
    slightly affected. Note that the effect is considered small for most networks.
    8.3.3 Packet Switched Traffic
    Varying load on the BCCH carrier may cause mobiles in idle mode (both
    packet idle and speech idle) to camp on “non-ideal” cells. As a result of this
    the mobiles might start their connections in the wrong cell and thus get
    reduced quality.
    Continuous cell selections can occur at certain cell borders. This is not a
    problem as long as it isn’t along any LA or RA border, which will cause more
    LA-updates and RA-updates, which in turn will increase the signaling load.
    This should however be possible to avoid by increasing the hysteresis.
    Mobiles in packet transfer mode may do their cell re-selection slightly late and
    therefore get a somewhat lower throughput. There is also the possibility of
    making the cell re-selection too early. This might happen if the BCCH carrier
    is used for 8PSK in own cell, but the neighbors are all using GMSK
    modulation on their BCCH carriers.
    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSSERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Internal
    8.3.4 Circuit switched traffic
    In idle mode the same problems might occur as those for packet switched cell
    selection and cell re-selection.
    In active mode i.e. speech call ongoing, problems may occur with handover as
    the measurements are done on 8PSK connections. Neighbors can be seen as
    being weaker than they really are, leading to a delayed handover or maybe
    even a handover to the wrong cell.
    If the power reduction is in the range of 1dB, these problems can probably be
    neglected. For larger power reductions, problems may occur in tight networks
    with high traffic load. Not in a big scale, but certain problem areas may occur
    The varying load may also cause ping-pong effects. However by assuming that
    the 8PSK traffic is evenly distributed in the network this should not be a
    Although, if a ping-pong behavior occur are the suggested actions to increase
    the hysteresis, longer the hand-over filters or reducing the number of PDCHs.
    8.3.5 MS Power control
    In packet transfer mode, the MS uses the same signal strength measurements
    on the BCCH frequency of the serving cell as made for cell selection. In the
    case of an average power reduction on the BCCH due to 8PSK this may cause
    the packet switched open loop MS power control to slightly underestimate the
    BCCH. The result of this would be that the MS transmits with a bit too high
    output power.
    Circuit switched MS power control will not be affected.
    8.3.6 What is the output power difference
    The 3dB difference will never occur on more than 6 out of the 8 timeslots.
    Meaning that the BCCH carrier will have at maximum 2.3 dB lower output
    power (3dB*6/8=2.3dB). For a non-combined configuration, using one
    SDCCH/8, the corresponding value would be 1.9dB.
    The EDGE traffic will use MCS-1 for signaling which is a GMSK modulated
    coding scheme. For bursty applications like web-browsing, one can assume
    that the amount of signaling is about 20% per user. This would mean that the
    difference in output power would be further decreased. 3dB*6/8*0.8=1.8dB.
    A lot of the PS traffic will be bursty, depending of course on the application.
    Simulations done with web-browsing for GPRS have shown that the channel
    activity (fraction of a time that a PDCH is used) is quite low, see ref [1]. For a
    reasonable dimensioning an activity factor of 50% can be assumed.
    The EDGE traffic will probably have the same behavior as GPRS traffic. By
    estimating the activity factor to be 50% for 8PSK, the 6 TS on the BCCH
    carrier using 8PSK will in average be used 50% of the time (dummy bursts
    16(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    using GMSK will be sent when no transmission is done on a PS connection).
    The decrease in output power will be reduced to around 1 dB
    (3dB*6/8*0.8*0.5=0.9dB). Web-browsing assumed to be the dominating
    The worst case will be an EDGE 6-slot mobile on the BCCH carrier doing an
    ftp file download. Assume a file of size 500kb and an average throughput on
    45 kbps per TS on the radio link. The download time for the file can be
    estimated to be around 1.9 seconds (500/(6*45)=1.9sec, no overhead
    included). This would lead to a 2.3dB reduction of the output power for 1,9
    In all the calculations it has been assumed that all six timeslots on the BCCH
    are used for 8PSK modulation. By configuring less timeslots for 8PSK, the
    power reduction can be further decreased. For instance 4 EDGE capable TS
    on the BCCH would result in a maximum power decrease of 1.5dB.
    9 References
    1. GPRS Radio Network Dimensioning Guideline for E*******’s GSM
    System BSS R8, LVR/D-99:0178 rev C.
    2. User Description, Link Quality Control in Enhanced GPRS, 95/1553-
    HSC 103 12/3 Uen PA3.
    3. EGPRS Radio Link Bandwidth dimensioning guideline for E*******’s
    GSM systems, ERA/SV-01:0013 rev A.
    4. Fractional Load Planning (FLP) guideline, ERA/LVR/D-99:0201 rev A.
    5. An introduction to Transceiver Group Synchronisation Configurations,
    ERA/SV-01:1369 rev A.
    6. Edge Technology and Implementation Aspects, LRM-00:0107 Uen rev
    7. Product Information, http://prodinfo.e*******.se/
    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSSERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Internal
    Table A1. The table shows some examples of upgrade scenarios for
    introducing EDGE and/or GPRS CS3/CS4.
    Initial configuration Solution Antenna
    Max. TRXs
    per sector
    [Max. EDGE
    a) Add 1 RBS 2202
    cabinet for each
    sector with CDU-D
    equipped with
    DXU-11 max 1
    2 dual
    and 3
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    b) Add 1 RBS 2202
    cabinet for each
    sector with CDU-D
    equipped with
    DXU-21 more than
    1 EDGE sTRU
    2 dual
    and 3
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    c) Add 1 RBS 2206
    cabinet for each
    sector with CDU-F
    2 Dual
    and 4
    needed per
    sector if
    duplex are
    1) RBS 200/205 with
    F-comb Up to 3*8
    (max RBS 200/205
    config. with TG
    d) Add 1 RBS 2206
    cabinet for each
    sector with CDU-G
    > 4 EDGE dTRU
    3 Dual
    and 4
    needed per
    sector if
    duplex are
    18(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    a) Add 1 RBS 2202
    with CDU-C+ for
    all sectors equipped
    with DXU-21
    2 dual
    and 3
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    2) RBS 200/205 with
    H Up to 3*4
    b) Add 1 RBS 2206
    with CDU-G for all
    2 dual
    and 4
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    a) Add / Swap to
    max 1 EDGE
    sTRU / cell
    2 Dual
    and 3
    needed per
    sector if
    duplex are
    3) RBS 2000 with
    CDU-C+ Up to 3*6
    b) Swap to DXU-
    21 and add / Swap
    to more than 1
    EDGE sTRU / cell
    2 Dual
    and 3
    needed per
    sector if
    duplex are
    Radio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSSERA/SV-01:0976 Rev A 2001-12-11E******* Wide Internal
    a) Add / Swap to
    max 1 EDGE
    sTRU / cell
    1 dual
    Antenna and
    2 feeders
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    b) Swap to DXU-
    21 and add / Swap
    to > 1 EDGE sTRU
    / cell, gives 3*2 on
    1 dual
    Antenna and
    2 feeders
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    4) RBS 2000 with
    CDU-C+ Up to 3*2
    c) Use Extention to
    add 1 cabinet for 3
    cells with 3*2
    EDGE sTRU / cell
    with DXU-21
    2 dual
    and 2
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    a) Add / Swap to 1
    EDGE sTRU / cell
    1 dual
    Antenna and
    2 feeders
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    5) RBS 2000 with
    CDU-D Up to 3*12
    b) Swap DXU-21,
    add > 1EDGE
    1 dual
    Antenna and
    2 feeders
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    20(20) E******* Wide InternalRadio Network Configuration Guideline for EDGE and GPRS CS3/CS4 in E*******'s BSS 2001-12-11
    c) Add 1 RBS 2202
    with CDU-C+ and
    3*1 EDGE
    2 dual
    Antenna and
    4 feeders
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    d) Add 1 RBS 2202
    with CDU-C+, 3*2
    EDGE sTRU per
    cell and DXU-21
    2 dual
    Antenna and
    4 feeders
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    a) Add 1 EDGE
    dTRU per cell
    1 dual
    Antenna and
    2 feeders
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    FLP or
    6) RBS 2206 with
    CDU-G or CDU-F
    Up to 1*12
    b) Add more than 1
    EDGE dTRU per
    1 dual
    Antenna and
    2 feeders
    needed per
    sector if
    are used
    FLP or

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