Availability: It's not typically available for public download. ******** restricts access to authorized dealers and technicians due to the potential for causing issues with the radios if not used correctly.
Specific Versions: There might be different versions of Flashzap Client for different MOTOTRBO radio models.
Security: ******** Flashzap Client might require specific licenses or authorization to use.
Release: PCR FlashZap Client R01.00.00 Date: November 2nd, 2012 Updates for release R01.00.00
Enhanced Installer to support x86/x64 OS (CCMPD01713062)
Paradise: Add OTP Support (CCMPD01705146)
o OTP Partition Read/Write Support
Paradise: Read PSDT Partition ID (CCMPD017606020)
Factory: Remote Flashing Fix (CCMPD01643195)
o Connect to Remote Device has been changed to only attempt a connection with a remote device. User will need to Bootload or Unlock Device following a successful connection.