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Thread: Ukraine

  1. #1
    VIP Member Reputation: 1852 carver's Avatar
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    Default Ukraine


    thanks for your support on WeChat and other IM.

    This morning, like Hitler, Putin attacked my country ((

    all my friends from Ukraine and Russia are against the war.

    we really hope for the help of other countries, and that it will be more than a visa ban or sanctions.


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  3. #2
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    Default Re: Ukraine

    когда вашим пендосам жопу стали жечь так скулить начали... не путин напал на вас, а ваш клоун-президент слился под англосаксов.

  4. Thanks macro, whistler, Wenzel thanked for this post
  5. #3
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    Default Re: Ukraine

    Quote Originally Posted by carver View Post

    thanks for your support on WeChat and other IM.

    This morning, like Hitler, Putin attacked my country ((

    all my friends from Ukraine and Russia are against the war.

    we really hope for the help of other countries, and that it will be more than a visa ban or sanctions.

    Мы 8 лет сидели под обстрелами, и никому до нас дела не было, а теперь вот как ты заговорил, приехал бы в Донецк, посмотрел бы как оно

  6. Thanks zeuscane, dmitry28, whistler, Wenzel thanked for this post
  7. #4
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    Default Re: Ukraine

    господи, когда же повзрослеете и перестанете искать виноватых вовне, а не в себе... как же надоело ваше "а нас за що?"

  8. #5
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    Default Re: Ukraine

    сподіваюся ти в безпеці. Береже тебе Всевишній!!! Ти випадково не бандерівець ? Державою Україна керують жиди і бандерівці, які вчинили державний переворот в 2014 році, вигнали свого Президента і розв'язали війну на сході країни, в Донбасі. Це жахливі люди, родичі яких співпрацювали з нацистами Європи в 40 - х роках минулого століття. Політична еліта України, підбурювана спецслужбами Європи і США загрожує російському світу і не тільки. Коли ставите спасибі, на підтримку посту, згадайте, що зробив натовська військова машина з Югославією, Лівією, Іраком, Сирією та іншими державами всього світу. НАТО сіє хаос і смерть.
    Вибачте за мою українську мову, моя мова Польська

    Quote Originally Posted by carver View Post

    thanks for your support on WeChat and other IM.

    This morning, like Hitler, Putin attacked my country ((

    all my friends from Ukraine and Russia are against the war.

    we really hope for the help of other countries, and that it will be more than a visa ban or sanctions.


  9. Thanks macro, dmitry28, engine-driver thanked for this post
  10. #6
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    Default Re: Ukraine

    this is HUMAN country...

    Attachment 43467
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  11. Thanks Wenzel, Jesterbean, kwanjau thanked for this post
  12. #7
    Senior Member Reputation: 321
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    Default Re: Ukraine

    Come on Guys, This is war, people die from both sites. One country try to get another country grounds. I know USA also killer and kills innocent people in the world but this doesnt mean Russia also should kill innocent people too. Ukraine or Russia, We all must say war is bad and stop it. Some politicians come and say you are our enemy. this is bull shit. Ukranian and Russian people shared same grounds for long time, they have same religion, same culture, even shard language. Hope Peace in the world
    Best Regards

  13. Thanks zeuscane, Nyquist, tonyweb, kwanjau thanked for this post
  14. #8
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    Default Re: Ukraine

    Quote Originally Posted by vasili_koslov View Post
    Come on Guys, This is war, people die from both sites. One country try to get another country grounds. I know USA also killer and kills innocent people in the world but this doesnt mean Russia also should kill innocent people too. Ukraine or Russia, We all must say war is bad and stop it. Some politicians come and say you are our enemy. this is bull shit. Ukranian and Russian people shared same grounds for long time, they have same religion, same culture, even shard language. Hope Peace in the world
    Why didn't people say "stop war" when bomb my city in 2014-2022?

  15. Thanks zeuscane, BfoX, kaka.enine, kwanjau, tpkj thanked for this post
  16. #9
    Senior Member Reputation: 420
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    Default Re: Ukraine

    Hi Guys,

    This is my undersanding on this matter

    Prior to 2014 the Ukraine had a democratically elected leader, which the West (UK, USA and European Union) was opposed to, through a myriad of Soft Power means
    (BBC Media Action - Regine Change Organisation) and Western Main Stream Media, the Ukraine experienced a Coup and its democratically elected leader overthrown,
    replaced with a Far Right Wing (Fascist Government). Since that time, Russian speaking citizens, media, and Crimea have been cut off and demonised, water cut off,
    bombed, because they're are not of "Pure White - Arian" offspring according to the private militia "Azov Brigade - A Neo NAZI group" and other Far Right Groups
    (SVOBODA party) in that Government.

    Meanwhile, both UK, USA, EU and NATO / OTAN, funds, provides military arms, and more to the Ukraine (Fascist Government) and Azov Brigade - A Neo NAZI, since
    2014 till now, including NATO an expansionist organisation against Russia in order to weaken it. This proves that both UK, USA, EU and NATO / OTAN, are mere agent
    provocateurs creating the WAR we currently see in the Ukraine, while using its people as cannon fodder (Problem Reaction Solution) a nasty game always played by the

    Additionally, there's a small issue with Nord Stream 1 & 2, as the West (UK, USA and EU) with to block cheaper Gas from Russia, for the more expensive USA Gas, all of
    which is supported by the Banking Cartel and that Total “Slime Ball” Klaus Schwab and this collection of Global Leaders (UK, EU, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand),
    responsible for removing all your freedoms.

    REGDS Jesterbean
    Last edited by Jesterbean; 2022-03-02 at 08:23 PM

  17. Thanks BfoX, slava121, engine-driver, kwanjau thanked for this post
  18. #10
    VIP Member Reputation: 2049
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    Default Re: Ukraine

    Перевод с английского языка твоего поста немного сложный, но всё изложено справедливо. Уважение к тебе!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesterbean View Post
    Hi Guys,

    This is my undersanding on this matter

    Prior to 2014 the Ukraine had a democratically elected leader, which the West (UK, USA and European Union) was opposed to, through a myriad of Soft Power means
    (BBC Media Action - Regine Change Organisation) and Western Main Stream Media, the Ukraine experienced a Coup and its democratically elected leader overthrown,
    replaced with a Far Right Wing (Fascist Government). Since that time, Russian speaking citizens, media, and Crimea have been cut off and demonised, water cut off,
    bombed, because they're are not of "Pure White - Arian" offspring according to the private militia "Azov Brigade - A Neo NAZI group" and other Far Right Groups
    (SVOBODA party) in that Government.

    Meanwhile, both UK, USA, EU and NATO / OTAN, funds, provides military arms, and more to the Ukraine (Fascist Government) and Azov Brigade - A Neo NAZI, since
    2014 till now, including NATO an expansionist organisation against Russia in order to weaken it. This proves that both UK, USA, EU and NATO / OTAN, are mere agent
    provocateurs creating the WAR we currently see in the Ukraine, while using its people as cannon fodder (Problem Reaction Solution) a nasty game always played by the

    Additionally, there's a small issue with Nord Stream 1 & 2, as the West (UK, USA and EU) with to block cheaper Gas from Russia, for the more expensive USA Gas, all of
    which is supported by the Banking Cartel and that Total “Slime Ball” Klaus Schwab and this collection of Global Leaders (UK, EU, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand),
    responsible for removing all your freedoms.

    REGDS Jesterbean
    BR Slava

  19. Thanks kwanjau thanked for this post



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