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Thread: IOT & Data Analytics Strategies For Enterprises

  1. #1
    Junior Member Reputation: 13
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    Default IOT & Data Analytics Strategies For Enterprises

    Hello All,

    What to tools to be used while performing Data Analysis? can some one please suggest some tools

    Also, see the Strategies and Best Practices for Enterprise IoT and Data Analytics for Connected Products and Services

    Useful Link:

  2. Thanks hungta, tnerber thanked for this post
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  4. #2
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    Default Re: IOT & Data Analytics Strategies For Enterprises


    all depending on the data sources, what you already have, nature of data that you are collecting amd what you want to achieve - collect, analyze, predict, classify, visualize etc.... If you have structured data and you don't like programming, you can use Minitab or SPSS. If you like programming and you can afford it, you can use Matlab. It was forgotten but it has a good acquisition module (toolbox) and good ML toolbox. Out of free tools, you can go with Python and R, being most popular, and if we talk about a huge network and we talk about big data, you can would use Spark in your data lake, than you can use Scala. Most popular at the moment are Python and R, Python somewhat more popular, as being both free. With Python you would go d use Pandas and Scikit learn as packages. For visualization you can use again Python and R or Tableau or PowerBI, depending on what you have and the budget.

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