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Thread: EBOOK : Radio System Design for Telecommunication

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    Default EBOOK : Radio System Design for Telecommunication

    Preface xxi
    Chapter 1 Radio Propagation 1
    1.1 Introduction, 1
    1.2 Loss in Free Space, 2
    1.3 Atmospheric Effects on Propagation, 4
    1.3.1 Introduction, 4
    1.3.2 Refractive Effects on Curvature of Ray Beam, 4
    1.3.3 Refractivity Gradients, 8
    1.4 Diffraction EffectsThe Fresnel Zone Problem, 14
    1.5 Ground Reflection, 18
    1.6 Fading, 19
    1.6.1 Introduction, 19
    1.6.2 Multipath Fading, 19
    1.6.3 Power Fading, 20
    1.6.4 K-Factor Fading, 22
    1.6.5 Surface Duct Fading on Over-Water Paths, 23
    1.7 From Another PerspectiveA Discussion of Fading, 25
    1.7.1 Comparison of Some Common Fading Types, 25
    1.7.2 Blackout Fading, 28
    1.8 Fade Depth and Fade Duration, 31
    1.9 Penalty for Not Meeting Obstacle Clearance Criteria, 32
    1.10 Attenuation Through Vegetation, 33
    Chapter 2 Line-of-Sight Microwave Radiolinks 37
    2.1 Objective and Scope, 37
    viii CONTENTS
    2.2 Initial Planning and Site Selection, 38
    2.2.1 Requirements and Requirements Analyses, 38
    2.2.2 Route Layout and Site Selection, 40
    2.3 Path Profiles, 43
    2.3.1 Determiniation of Median Value for K-Factor, 46
    2.4 Reflection Point, 48
    2.5 Site Survey, 51
    2.5.1 Introduction, 51
    2.5.2 Information Listing, 51
    2.5.3 Notes on Site Visit, 53
    2.6 Path Analysis, 54
    2.6.1 Objective and Scope, 54
    2.6.2 Unfaded Signal Level at the Receiver, 55
    2.6.3 Receiver Thermal Noise Threshold, 58
    2.6.4 Calculation of IF Bandwidth and Peak
    Frequency Deviation, 61
    2.6.5 Pre-emphasisrDe-emphasis, 64
    2.6.6 Calculation of Median Carrier-to-Noise
    RatioŽUnfaded., 67
    2.6.7 Calculation of Antenna Gain, 69
    2.7 Fading, Estimation of Fade Margin, and
    Mitigation of Fading Effects, 70
    2.7.1 Discussion of LOS Microwave Fading, 70
    2.7.2 Calculating Fade Margin, 71
    2.7.3 Notes on Path Fading Range Estimates, 81
    2.7.4 Diversity as a Means to Mitigate Fading, 82
    2.8 Analysis of Noise on a FM Radiolink, 87
    2.8.1 Introduction, 87
    2.8.2 Sources of Noise in a Radiolink, 89
    2.8.3 FM Improvement Threshold, 90
    2.8.4 Noise in a Derived Voice Channel, 91
    2.8.5 Noise Power RatioŽNPR., 95
    2.8.6 Antenna Feeder Distortion, 103
    2.8.7 Total Noise in the Voice Channel, 107
    2.8.8 Signal-to-Noise Ratio for TV Video, 107
    2.9 Path Analysis Worksheet and Example, 108
    2.9.1 Introduction, 108
    2.9.2 Sample Worksheet, 108
    2.10 Frequency Assignment, Compatibility, and
    Frequency Plan, 113
    2.10.1 Introduction, 113
    2.10.2 Frequency PlanningChannel Arrangement, 113
    2.10.3 Some Typical ITU-R Channel Arrangements, 119
    Chapter 3 Digital Line-of-Sight Microwave Radiolinks 133
    3.1 Introduction, 133
    3.1.1 Energy per Bit per Noise Density Ratio,
    EbrN0 , 134
    3.2 Regulatory Issues, 135
    3.3 Modulation Techniques, Spectral Efficiency,
    and Bandwidth, 138
    3.3.1 Introduction, 138
    3.3.2 Bit Packing, 138
    3.3.3 Spectral Efficiency, 141
    3.3.4 Power Amplifier Distortion, 143
    3.4 Comparison of Several Types of Modulation, 144
    3.4.1 Objective, 144
    3.4.2 Definitions and Notation, 144
    3.4.3 Modulation Format Comparison, 145
    3.4.4 Notes on Implementation and BER
    Performance, 146
    3.5 Some System Impairments Peculiar to Digital
    Operation, 150
    3.5.1 Mitigation Techniques for Multipath Fading, 151
    3.5.2 ITU-R Guidelines on Combating
    Propagation Effects, 153
    3.6 Performance Requirements and Objectives for
    Digital Radiolinks, 155
    3.6.1 Introduction, 155
    3.6.2 Five Definitions, 155
    3.6.3 Hypothetical Reference Digital Path
    ŽHRDP.for Radio-Relay Systems
    with a Capacity Above the Second
    Hierarchical Level, 155
    3.6.4 Error Performance Objectives for Real
    Digital Radiolinks Forming Part of a
    High-Grade Circuit in an ISDN Network, 156
    3.6.5 Error Performance Objectives of a 27,500-km
    Hypothetical Reference Path, 159
    3.6.6 Jitter and Wander, 160
    3.6.7 Error Performance from a Telecordia
    Perspective, 161
    3.7 Application of High-Level M-QAM to
    High-Capacity SDHrSONET Formats, 161
    3.8 Considerations of Fading on LOS Digital
    Microwave Systems, 162
    3.8.1 Introduction, 162
    3.8.2 Other Views of Calculations of Fade
    Margins on Digital LOS Microwave, 163
    3.8.3 Multipath Fading Calculations Based on
    TIA TSB 10-F, 164
    3.8.4 Simple Calculations of Path Dispersiveness, 169
    3.9 Path Analyses or Link Budgets on Digital LOS
    Microwave Paths, 170
    Chapter 4 Forward Error Correction and Advanced Digital
    Waveforms 175
    4.1 Objective, 175
    4.2 Forward Error Correction, 175
    4.2.1 Background and Objective, 175
    4.2.2 Basic Forward Error Correction, 177
    4.2.3 FEC Codes, 180
    4.2.4 Binary Convolutional Codes, 187
    4.2.5 Channel Performance of Uncoded and
    Coded Systems, 196
    4.2.6 Coding with Bursty Errors, 201
    4.3 Advanced Signal Waveforms, 207
    4.3.1 Block-Coded ModulationŽBCM., 207
    4.3.2 Trellis-Coded ModulationŽTCM., 210
    4.3.3 Multilevel-Coded ModulationŽMCLM., 211
    4.3.4 Partial Response with a Soft Decoder, 213
    Chapter 5 Over-the-Horizon Radiolinks 219
    5.1 Objectives and Scope, 219
    5.2 Application, 219
    5.3 Introduction to Tropospheric Scatter Propagation, 220
    5.4 Tropospheric Scatter Link Design, 223
    5.4.1 Site Selection, Route Selection, Path
    Profile, and Field Survey, 223
    5.4.2 Link Performance Calculations, 224
    5.5 Path CalculationrLink Analysis, 288
    5.5.1 Introduction, 284
    5.5.2 Path Intermodulation NoiseAnalog
    Systems, 284
    5.5.3 Sample Link Analysis, 289
    5.6 Threshold Extension, 291
    5.7 Digital Transhorizon Radiolinks, 292
    5.7.1 Introduction, 292
    5.7.2 Digital Link Analysis, 292
    5.7.3 Dispersion, 294
    5.7.4 Some Methods of Overcoming the Effects
    of Dispersion, 295
    5.7.5 Some ITU-R Perspectives on Transhorizon
    Radio Systems, 297
    5.8 Troposcatter Frequency Bands and the Sharing
    with Space Radio-Communication Systems, 300
    5.8.1 Frequency Bands Shared with Space
    ServicesŽSpace-to-Earth., 300
    Chapter 6 Basic Principles of Satellite Communications 305
    6.1 Introduction, Scope, and Applications, 305
    6.2 Satellite SystemsAn Introduction, 306
    6.2.1 Satellite Orbits, 306
    6.2.2 Elevation Angle, 308
    6.2.3 Determination of Range and Elevation
    Angle of a Geostationary Satellite, 309
    6.3 Introduction to Link Analysis or Link Budget, 311
    6.3.1 Rationale, 311
    6.3.2 Frequency Bands Available for Satellite
    Communications, 311
    6.3.3 Free-Space Loss or Spreading Loss, 315
    6.3.4 Isotropic Receive LevelSimplified Model, 315
    6.3.5 Limitation of Flux Density on Earth’s Surface, 316
    6.3.6 Thermal Noise Aspects of Low-Noise Systems, 318
    6.3.7 Calculation of CrN0 , 321
    xii CONTENTS
    6.3.8 Gain-to-Noise Temperature Ratio, GrT, 323
    6.3.9 Calculation of CrN0 Using the Link Budget, 332
    6.3.10 Calculation SrN, 337
    6.4 Access Techniques, 343
    6.4.1 Introduction, 343
    6.4.2 Frequency Division Multiple AccessŽFMDA., 345
    6.4.3 Brief Overview of Time Division Multiple
    AccessŽTDMA., 352
    6.5 INTELSAT Systems, 354
    6.5.1 Introduction, 354
    6.5.2 INTELSAT Type A Standard Earth Stations, 354
    6.5.3 INTELSAT Standard B Earth Stations, 360
    6.5.4 INTELSAT Standard C Earth Stations, 361
    6.5.5 INTELSAT Standard D Earth Stations, 361
    6.5.6 INTELSAT Standard E Earth Stations, 363
    6.5.7 INTELSAT Standard F Earth Stations, 364
    6.5.8 Basic INTELSAT Space Segment Data
    Common to All Families of Standard
    Earth Stations, 364
    6.5.9 Television Operation Over INTELSAT, 364
    6.6 Domestic and Regional Satellite Systems, 372
    6.6.1 Introduction, 372
    6.6.2 Rationale, 373
    6.6.3 Approaches to Cost Reduction, 373
    6.6.4 A Typical Satellite Series that Can
    Provide Transponder Space for
    Enterprise Networks, 374
    Chapter 7 Digital Communications by Satellite 381
    7.1 Introduction, 381
    7.2 Digital Operations of a Bent-Pipe Satellite System, 382
    7.2.1 General, 382
    7.2.2 Digital FMDA Operation, 382
    7.2.3 TDMA Operation on a Bent-Pipe Satellite, 394
    7.3 Digital Speech Interpolation, 403
    7.3.1 Freeze-Out and Clipping, 404
    7.3.2 TASI-Based DSI, 405
    7.3.3 Speech Predictive Encoding DSI, 406
    7.4 INTELSAT TDMArDSI System, 407
    7.4.1 Overview, 407
    CONTENTS xiii
    7.4.2 Frame, Multiframe, and Burst Format, 409
    7.4.3 Acquisition and Synchronization, 415
    7.4.4 Transponder Hopping, 415
    7.4.5 Digital Speech Interpolation Interface, 415
    7.5 Processing Satellites, 416
    7.5.1 Primitive Processing Satellite, 417
    7.5.2 Switched-Satellite TDMAŽSSrTDMA., 418
    7.5.3 IF Switching, 421
    7.5.4 Intersatellite Links, 422
    7.6 Performance Considerations for Digital Satellite
    Communications, 425
    7.6.1 Hypothetical Reference Digital Path for
    Systems Using Digital Transmissio5 in
    the Fixed-Satellite Service, 425
    7.6.2 BERs at the Output of a HRDP for Systems
    Using PCM Telephony, 426
    7.6.3 Allowable Error Performance for a HRDP
    in the Fixed-Satellite Service Operating
    Below 15 GHz When Forming Part of an
    International Connection in an ISDN, 426
    7.6.4 Allowable Error Performance for a HRDP
    Operating at or Above the Primary Rate
    ŽThe Impact of ITU-T Rec. 5.826., 428
    7.7 Link Budgets for Digital Satellites, 431
    7.7.1 Commentary, 431
    Chapter 8 Very Small Aperture Terminals 439
    8.1 Definitions of VSAT, 439
    8.2 VSAT Network Applications, 439
    8.2.1 One-Way Applications, 440
    8.2.2 Two-Way Applications, 441
    8.3 Technical Description of VSAT Networks and
    Their Operations, 442
    8.3.1 Introduction, 442
    8.3.2 A Link Budget for a Typical VSAT
    Operation at Ku-Band, 442
    8.3.3 Summary of VSAT RF Characteristics, 447
    8.4 Access Techniques, 447
    8.4.1 Random Access, 449
    8.4.2 Demand-Assigned Multiple Access, 450
    xiv CONTENTS
    8.4.3 Fixed-Assigned FDMA, 451
    8.4.4 Summary, 452
    8.4.5 Outbound TDM Channel, 452
    8.5 A Modest VSAT Network in Support of Short
    Transaction Communications, 453
    8.6 Interference Issues with VSATs, 457
    8.7 Excess Attenuation Due to Rainfall, 460
    Chapter 9 Radio System Design Above 10 GHz 463
    9.1 The ProblemAn Introduction, 463
    9.2 The General Propagation Problem Above 10 GHz, 464
    9.3 Excess Attenuation Due to Rainfall, 467
    9.3.1 Calculation of Excess Attenuation Due
    to Rainfall for LOS Microwave Paths, 469
    9.4 Calculation of Excess Attenuation Due to
    Rainfall for Satellite Paths, 479
    9.4.1 Calculation Method, 479
    9.4.2 Rainfall Fade Rates, Depths, and Durations, 482
    9.4.3 Site or Path Diversity, 483
    9.5 Excess Attenuation Due to Atmospheric Gases
    on Satellite Links, 484
    9.5.1 Example Calculation of Clear Air
    AttenuationHypothetical Location, 487
    9.5.2 Conversion of Relative Humidity to
    Water Vapor Density, 488
    9.6 Attenuation Due to Clouds and Fog, 490
    9.7 Calculation of Sky Noise Temperature as a
    Function of Attenuation, 492
    9.8 The Sun as a Noise Generator, 493
    9.9 Propagation Effects with a Low Elevation Angle, 495
    9.10 Depolarization on Satellite Links, 495
    9.11 Scintillation Fading on Satellite Links, 495
    9.12 Trade-off Between Free-Space Loss and
    Antenna Gain, 496
    Chapter 10 Mobile Communications: Cellular Radio and
    Personal Communication Services 503
    10.1 Introduction, 503
    10.1.1 Background, 503
    10.1.2 Scope and Objective, 504
    10.2 Some Basic Concepts of Cellular Radio, 504
    10.2.1 N-AMPS Increases Channel Capacity
    Threefold, 508
    10.3 Radio Propagation in the Mobile Environment, 509
    10.3.1 The Propagation Problem, 509
    10.3.2 Several Propagation Models, 509
    10.3.3 Microcell Prediction Model According
    to Lee, 512
    10.4 ImpairmentsFading in the Mobile Environment,
    10.4.1 Introduction, 515
    10.4.2 Classification of Fading, 516
    10.4.3 DiversityA Technique to Mitigate
    the Effects of Fading and Dispersion, 518
    10.4.4 Cellular Radio Path Calculations, 521
    10.5 The Cellular Radio Bandwidth Dilemma, 521
    10.5.1 Background and Objectives, 521
    10.5.2 Bit Rate Reduction of the Digital
    Voice Channel, 522
    10.6 Network Access Techniques, 522
    10.6.1 Introduction, 522
    10.6.2 Frequency Division Multiple Access
    ŽFDMA., 523
    10.6.3 Time Division Multiple Access
    ŽTDMA., 524
    10.6.4 Code Division Multiple Access
    ŽCDMA., 527
    10.7 Frequency Reuse, 535
    10.8 Paging Systems, 538
    10.8.1 What Are Paging Systems?, 538
    10.8.2 Radio-Frequency Bands for Pagers, 538
    10.8.3 Radio Propagation into Buildings, 538
    10.8.4 Techniques Available for Multiple
    Transmitter Zones, 538
    10.8.5 Paging Receivers, 539
    10.8.6 System Capacity, 540
    10.8.7 Codes and Formats for Paging Systems, 540
    10.8.8 Considerations for Selecting Codes
    and Formats, 540
    xvi CONTENTS
    10.9 Personal Communication Systems, 541
    10.9.1 Defining Personal Communications, 541
    10.9.2 Narrowband Microcell Propagation
    at PCS Distances, 541
    10.10 Cordless Telephone Technology, 546
    10.10.1 Background, 546
    10.10.2 North American Cordless Telephones, 546
    10.10.3 European Cordless Telephones, 546
    10.11 Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System
    ŽFPLMTS., 549
    10.11.1 Introduction, 549
    10.11.2 Traffic Estimates, 549 Nonvoice Traffic, 551 PCS Outdoors, 551 PCS Indoors, 551
    10.11.3 Estimates of Spectrum Requirements, 552
    10.11.4 Sharing Considerations, 553
    10.11.5 Sharing Between FPLMTS and
    Other Services, 554
    10.12 Mobile Satellite Communications, 554
    10.12.1 Background and Scope, 554
    10.12.2 Overview of Satellite Mobile Services, 555 Existing Systems, 555
    10.12.3 System Trends, 555
    Chapter 11 Wireless LANs, 561
    11.1 Definition, 561
    11.2 IEEE802.11 and its Variants, 562
    11.3 Wireless LANs and Other Wireless Technologies, 564
    11.3.1 Benefits of a Centralized WLAN
    Architecture, 565
    11.4 Wireless LAN Frequencies, 566
    11.5 Wireless LAN Structures, 566
    11.6 WLAN Capabilities, 567
    11.6.1 Distance Capabilities, 567
    11.6.2 The WLAN Signal, 567 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
    ŽDSSS., 567 Frequency Hop Spread-Spectrum
    ŽFHSS., 568
    CONTENTS xvii
    11.7 IEEE 802.11 Layers, 568
    11.8 Software-Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio, 570
    11.8.1 Software-Defined Radio Description, 570
    11.8.2 Cognitive Radio, 570
    Chapter 12 High-Frequency(HF)Transmission Links, 573
    12.1 General, 573
    12.2 Applications of HF Radio Communication, 573
    12.3 Typical HF Link Operation, Conceptual
    Introduction, 575
    12.4 Basic HF Propagation, 575
    12.4.1 Introduction, 575
    12.4.2 Skywave Transmission, 577
    12.5 Choice of Optimum Operating Frequency, 580
    12.5.1 Frequency Management, 587
    12.6 Propagation Modes, 598
    12.6.1 Basic Groundwave Propagation, 598
    12.6.2 Skywave Propagation, 599
    12.6.3 Near-Vertical IncidenceŽNVI.
    Propagation, 602
    12.6.4 Reciprocal Reception, 604
    12.7 HF Communication Impairments, 605
    12.7.1 Introduction, 605
    12.7.2 Fading, 605
    12.7.3 Effects of Impairments at the HF
    Receiver, 608
    12.8 Mitigation of Propagation-Related Impairments, 611
    12.9 HF ImpairmentsNoise in the Receiving System, 613
    12.9.1 Introduction, 613
    12.9.2 Interference, 613
    12.9.3 Atmospheric Noise, 616
    12.9.4 Man-Made Noise, 622
    12.9.5 Receiver Thermal Noise, 625
    12.10 Notes on HF Link Transmission Loss
    Calculations, 625
    12.10.1 Introduction, 625
    12.10.2 Transmission Loss Components, 625
    12.10.3 A Simplified Example of Transmission
    Loss Calculation, 634
    12.10.4 Groundwave Transmission Loss, 635
    xviii CONTENTS
    12.11 Link Analysis for Equipment Dimensioning, 640
    12.11.1 Introduction, 640
    12.11.2 Methodology, 641
    12.12 Some Advanced Modulation and Coding
    Schemes, 643
    12.12.1 Two Approaches, 643
    12.12.2 Parallel Tone Operation, 643
    12.12.3 Serial Tone Operation, 645
    12.13 Improved Lincompex for HF Radio Telephone
    Circuits, 650
    Chapter 13 Meteor Burst Communication 657
    13.1 Introduction, 657
    13.2 Meteor Trails, 658
    13.2.1 General, 658
    13.2.2 Distribution of Meteors, 660
    13.2.3 Underdense Trails, 660
    13.2.4 Overdense Trails, 661
    13.3 Typical Meteor Burst Terminals and Their
    Operation, 663
    13.4 System Design Parameters, 665
    13.4.1 Introduction, 665
    13.4.2 Operating Frequency, 666
    13.4.3 Data Rate, 666
    13.4.4 Transmit Power, 666
    13.4.5 Antenna Gain, 666
    13.4.6 Receiver Threshold, 666
    13.5 Prediction of MBC Link Performance, 667
    13.5.1 Introduction, 667
    13.5.2 Receiver Threshold, 667
    13.5.3 Positions of Regions of Optimum
    Scatter, 668
    13.5.4 Effective Length, Average Height,
    and Radius of Meteor Trails, 670
    13.5.5 Ambipolar Diffusion Constant, 671
    13.5.6 Received Power, 671
    13.5.7 Meteor Rate, 674
    13.5.8 Burst Time Duration, 675
    13.5.9 Burst Rate Correction Factor, 678
    13.5.10 Waiting Time Probability, 679
    CONTENTS xix
    13.6 DesignrPerformance Prediction Procedure, 683
    13.7 Notes on MBC Transmission Loss, 683
    13.8 MBC Circuit Optimization, 685
    13.9 Meteor Burst Networks, 686
    13.10 Privacy and the Meteor Burst Footprint, 686
    Chapter 14 Interference Issues in Radio Communications 691
    14.1 Rationale, 691
    14.2 Spurious Response Interference Windows
    at a Receiver, 692
    14.3 Typical Interference Control for Line-of-Sight
    Microwave and Satellite Communication
    Facilities, 693
    14.3.1 Introduction, 693
    14.3.2 Conceptual Approach to Interference
    Determination, 694
    14.3.3 Applicable FCC Rule for Minimum
    Antenna Radiation Suppression, 699
    14.3.4 Coordination Contours, 702
    14.4 Victim Digital Systems, 704
    14.5 Definition of CrI Ratio, 706
    14.5.1 Example CrI Calculations Based
    on Ref. 6, 706
    14.5.2 Example of Digital Interferer into
    Victim Digital System, 710
    14.6 Obstructed Interfering Paths, 712
    14.7 ITU-R Approach to Digital Link Performance
    Under Interference Conditions, 714
    14.7.1 Gaussian Interference Environment
    M-QAM Systems, 714
    Chapter 15 Radio Terminal Design Considerations 721
    15.1 Objective, 721
    15.1.1 The Generic Terminal, 721
    15.2 Analog Line-of-Sight Radiolink Terminals
    and Repeaters, 722
    15.2.1 Basic Analog LOS Microwave Terminal, 722
    15.3 Digital LOS Microwave Terminals, 725
    15.3.1 Gray or Reflected Binary Codes, 728
    15.3.2 The Antenna Subsystem for LOS
    Microwave Installations, 729
    15.3.3 Analog Radiolink Repeaters, 740
    15.3.4 Diversity Combiners, 741
    15.3.5 Hot-Standby Operation, 749
    15.3.6 Pilot Tones, 753
    15.3.7 Service Channels, 755
    15.3.8 Alarm and Supervisory Subsystems, 756
    15.3.9 Antenna TowersGeneral, 760
    15.3.10 Waveguide Pressurization, 765
    15.4 Tropospheric Scatter and Diffraction
    Installations: Analog and Digital, 766
    15.4.1 Antennas, Transmission Lines,
    Duplexer, and Related Transmission
    Line Devices, 768
    15.4.2 ModulatorExciter and Power Amplifier,
    15.4.3 FM Receiver Group, 770
    15.4.4 Diversity Operation, 770
    15.4.5 Isolation, 771
    15.5 Satellite Communications, Terminal Segment, 772
    15.5.1 Functional Operation of a ‘‘Standard’’
    Earth Station, 772
    15.5.2 The Antenna Subsystem, 777
    15.5.3 Very Small Aperture Terminals
    ŽVSATs., 787
    15.6 Cellular and PCS Installations: Analog and
    Digital, 788
    15.6.1 Introduction, 788
    15.6.2 Base Station or Cell Design Concepts, 789
    15.6.3 The MTSO or MSC, 791
    15.6.4 Personal Communication Services, 793
    15.7 HF Terminals and Antennas, 794
    15.7.1 Introduction, 794
    15.7.2 Composition of Basic HF Equipment, 795
    15.7.3 Basic Single-SidebandŽSSB.Operation, 796
    15.7.4 SSB System Considerations, 797
    15.7.5 Linear Power Amplifiers, 798
    15.7.6 HF Configuration Notes, 800
    15.7.7 HF Antennas, 800
    CONTENTS xxi
    15.8 Meteor Burst Installations, 808
    15.8.1 Yagi Antennas, 808
    Appendix 1 Availability of a Line-of-Sight Microwave Link 815
    A1.1 Introduction, 815
    A1.2 Contributors to Unavailability, 816
    A1.3 Availability Requirements, 817
    A1.4 Calculation of Availability of LOS Radiolinks
    in Tandem, 817
    A1.4.1 Discussion of Partition of Unavailability, 817
    A1.4.2 Propagation Availability, 819
    A1.5 Improving Availability, 819
    A1.6 Application to Other Radio Media, 820
    Appendix 2 Reference Fields and Theoretical References;
    Converting RF Field Strength to Power 821
    A2.1 Reference FieldsTheoretical References, 821
    A2.2 Conversion of Radio-FrequencyŽRF.Field
    Strength to Power, 823
    Appendix 3 Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations 825
    Index 837
    Last edited by rfworld; 2012-11-25 at 06:05 AM Reason: contents

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