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Thread: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

  1. #21
    Member Reputation: 24
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    It can do by NSN care team

  2. #22
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    Check your N200 timer value in BSS end.

    Formula:- T200 Timer Value(X)*(N200+1+current N200 value).
    it should be bigger value in system from T305& T308 value

    For Example:-set T305 and T308 in MSC to less than BSS timers[T200*(N200+1) so that higher level MSC timers are forced to expire before the BSS timers
    Now if T200=780 ms and N200=1 that means at BSS end call will be pegged as drop call in this scenario after TIMER=[T200*(N200+1) =780ms(1+1)=1.56

  3. Thanks justdream, parsarka thanked for this post
  4. #23
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    Thanks buddy...thatzz great...thnx _&rep added to you for the info..will try the same in the network & post feedback..
    You mean T200 SACCH or T200 FACCH??

  5. #24
    Member Reputation: 24
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    Hello doc added timer impementation

  6. #25
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    Please find attached DOC MSC timer.

  7. #26
    Senior Member Reputation: 491
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    where it's "mirtunjay_1975"?

  8. #27
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    Please use this ppt
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    Last edited by mirtunjay_1975; 2012-02-11 at 11:14 PM

  9. #28
    Member Reputation: 71
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    Quote Originally Posted by mirtunjay_1975 View Post
    Please find output command
    1) You have to identify the active CM unit


    2) You have to find the currenly used timer value in BSU related UTPFIL (5AC0018 is the BSU-UTPFIL file number)


    You should look for 32 01 3D 00 B8 0B 00 00 in case of T305 currently set to 30 seconds and 32 01 3C 00 B8 0B 00 00 for T308 also set to 30 seconds.

    / AIFPRB's identifier is 132 --> 32 01
    T305 is identified as 3D --> 3D 00
    T308 is coded as 3C --> 3C 00
    30 seconds equals 3000 100th/sec --> h'BB8 --> B8 0B 00 00 /

    3) Once you find the above presented values, you have to change them to

    32 01 3D 00 90 01 00 00 for T305, this sets it to 4 seconds,
    32 01 3C 00 C8 00 00 00 for T308, this changes it to 2 seconds,

    by the command;

    where y represents the record number to be patched

    Note: If the record
    i) 32 01 3D 00 B8 0B 00 00 forT305
    ii) 32 01 3C 00 B8 0B 00 00 for T308
    can’t be found, please find the next free records and patch 32 01 3D 00 90 01 00 00 for T305 (4s), and 32 01 3C 00 C8 00 00 00 for T308 (2s).
    Dear mirtunjay,
    Thanks for your active participation.Wanted to share with you some important facts as below for NSN::
    1.Patched as follows:
    32 01 3D 00 C8 00 00 00 for T305, this sets it to 2 seconds,
    32 01 3C 00 64 00 00 00 for T308, this changes it to 1 seconds,
    2.Set T200 in BSC at 1260ms(1.2 s)
    3.Observed no improvement/change in call drop stats after implementation.
    4.Please confirm if the following equation is valid::
    T305+2*T308+T3109<(N200+1)*T200--->2+2*1+8 is never less than (3+1)*1.2
    In NSN T3109 min possible value is 8sec which means that the MSC timers can never expire below BSC.Hence no imppovement observed.T3109 is a BSC Timer used for monitoring clear request msgs.

    Require your further suggestions to the above problem

    Last edited by parsarka; 2012-02-12 at 12:43 PM

  10. #29
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    Added reputation & thanks to you

  11. #30
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    Default Re: T305 & T308 Timers in Nokia Siemens

    Macro giving type mismatch error while running...pls help...sample dump attached for your reference
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