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Thread: Some queries on Tetra

  1. #1
    Member Reputation: 112
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    Question Some queries on Tetra

    Hi all,

    I am new to Tetra. I have tried going through most of the posts in the forum. But still have some basic queries unanswered -
    1. What software is used for RF planning
    2. Are Tetra and Diametra similar technologies??
    3. Who are the main players other than ********???

    Hope to get some reasonable idea from your responses.


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  3. #2
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    Default Re: Some queries on Tetra

    1) What software is used for RF planning

    ATDI ICS Telecom is commonly used for TETRA planning, you can also use Mentum Planet, Atoll, Aircom etc .. but ICS Telecom would be a good start and maybe the easiest to get up to speed on. If you are on a limited budget or have no budget, you could always do some indicative planning using the freeware Radio Mobile (you can use high res terrain and medium resolution clutter data) but Radio Mobile does not have advance features like frequency planning etc.

    2) Are Tetra and Diametra similar technologies?

    Diametra is the brand name for ********'s TETRA solution, so yes Diametra is TETRA in a ******** flavour.

    3) Who are the main players other than ********?

    Check out the TETRA MOU web site TETRA Association - About TETRA plus the members page TETRA Association - About TETRA all the key manufacturers are listed there, some key players for turnkey systems are:- Cassidian (part of EADS), Damm, Etelm, Rohill, Selex, Sepura (for terminals only), Teltronic, Team Simoco etc .. see the list mentioned above.

    Hope that helps, Stan.

  4. Thanks Nima1979 thanked for this post
  5. #3
    Member Reputation: 771
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    Default Re: Some queries on Tetra

    Do you hava good experience using ICS for Tetra?
    What propagation model do you use? Maybe Okumur Hata?

  6. #4
    Super Moderator Reputation: 8561 zeuscane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some queries on Tetra

    I use ITU-R 1546 and it works well

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  7. Thanks Nima1979 thanked for this post
  8. #5
    Member Reputation: 112
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    Question Re: Some queries on Tetra


    I have been looking in MentumPlanet website, but I dont see them support Tetra as a technology. Though there is a press release about MP5.3 supporting it.
    Can you please tell me how you use MP5.3 for Tetra?
    I mean do u use the TDMA/FDMA option or there is special lic for Tetra like WiMAX and LTE?

  9. #6
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    Default Re: Some queries on Tetra

    cooltyger, I don't use Planet, have only had a play with it, seemed a bit complex to me, so best you ask some of the Planet experts in the forum.

    In regard to ICS Telecom, sounds like Zeuscane has done some serious TETRA planning with that, so direct your questions to him on that.

  10. #7
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    Default Re: Some queries on Tetra

    Quote Originally Posted by zeuscane View Post
    I use ITU-R 1546 and it works well

    Request you to provide me some insight into the possibility of using MP5.3 for Tetra. (as I use MP regularly)
    Else I will anyways have to look at learning a new tool.

  11. #8
    Super Moderator Reputation: 8561 zeuscane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some queries on Tetra

    I'm sorry, I use ICS TEELECOM in this program there is the possibility of using ITU - R 1546.
    On MP5.3 I never tried to plan a TETRA network.


    Quote Originally Posted by cooltyger View Post
    Request you to provide me some insight into the possibility of using MP5.3 for Tetra. (as I use MP regularly)
    Else I will anyways have to look at learning a new tool.
    "Educate yourselves because we'll need all your intelligence.
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  12. #9
    Member Reputation: 121
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    Default Re: Some queries on Tetra

    Let me step in here, if you don't mind.
    Tetra is TDMA technology, so is GSM. Therefore Planet can be used easily with TDMA/FDMA network parameters.
    If you are regular user of Planet, then you can create your own network type using Tetra parameters: channel bandwidth 25 kHz, channel spacing, duplex spacing and, of course, frequency range.
    Once created, it will be no brainer for frequency planning.
    As per propagation model question, well, it largely depends on you terrain type and availability of clutter data rather than on type of technology.
    Okumura-Hata would be a good start for high density urban areas. Longley-Rice or CRC-Predict for open terrains, where no clutter data is required.
    I hope, this will help. I am also open to your share of knowledge/experience.
    Last edited by paxan71; 2011-10-09 at 11:17 PM

  13. #10
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    Default Re: Some queries on Tetra

    I use(d) Planet for it and it works nicely although not supported directly.
    Good prop-models are CRC-predict (if tuned correctly offcourse) and also universal model is doing a good job. Frequency planning is, as most planning tools, poorly implemented. You need externa tools for that.
    Anotjer good thing about planet is you can edit the technology file outside planet to get a customised version of Planet which some additional settings. That will make the TDMA technology layer making more sense with Tetra. Offcourse that's personal.

    If planet is not used I would suggest, like Zeuscane mentioned, ICS-telecom. Much settings to tune your software, little less presentation as within Planet.
    Last edited by DCA; 2011-10-10 at 01:19 AM

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