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View Full Version : Tired of Waiting for passwords

2010-05-14, 05:25 PM
Hello Admin and folks,
I am here on this forum from quite some time now. I am a bit disappointed as I have so many .rar and .zip files lying on my desktop without password to open them.

I dont agree with this whole idea of asking for Rep and Thanks for providing passwords. If people really like your uploads, they'll automatically thank you and add rep to you profile.

It actually gets annoying when you Thank the person and add Rep and still dont see pass in ur inbox.

I would like to suggest to Admins that please device a new method for Rep as you can see that most of the replies on every post are regarding passwords and there's actually a lot less discussion about the actual thing the software does.

Please do something about this.Please

2010-05-14, 05:32 PM
Hello Admin and folks,
I am here on this forum from quite some time now. I am a bit disappointed as I have so many .rar and .zip files lying on my desktop without password to open them.

I dont agree with this whole idea of asking for Rep and Thanks for providing passwords. If people really like your uploads, they'll automatically thank you and add rep to you profile.

It actually gets annoying when you Thank the person and add Rep and still dont see pass in ur inbox.

I would like to suggest to Admins that please device a new method for Rep as you can see that most of the replies on every post are regarding passwords and there's actually a lot less discussion about the actual thing the software does.

Please do something about this.Please

I agree with you. Pls concern this problem

2010-05-15, 12:32 AM
THis is the way to filter out the one who keep downloading but nothing sharing:p

2010-05-15, 01:05 AM
I agree with the starter of this post.But what's about others who don't have access to the internal documentation?If they don't have any material to share?They shouldn't use this wonderful resource?To administration:you should provide other variants on how to earn additional credits.May be it's necessary to implement such mechanism like in torrents?For example I don't have access to the fresh videofilm or software,but in case of torrents you can download and stay on the distribution of the material.Something like reuploading and so on.

2010-05-15, 02:52 AM
There are plugins for the forum system which hide the download links. Only when someone clicks the thank you button can see the download link.
This might be very usefull and may save some database size.

2010-05-15, 08:40 AM
There are plugins for the forum system which hide the download links. Only when someone clicks the thank you button can see the download link.
This might be very usefull and may save some database size.
what's the plugin name?

2010-05-15, 08:41 AM
I am searching for it right now and get back to you with the name.

2010-05-15, 08:53 AM
One of them is the hide-h@ck from visionscripts. http://www.visionscripts.com/
You can adjust it as many forums do when a user replies or clicks the thank you button the links appear. The expanded edition is the best.
There are others too and i still search.

And this but i am not sure about this one. http://www.vbh@ckers.com/f76/product-hide-h@ck-6187/ (replace the @) however this is not sure it will work.

2010-05-16, 09:42 AM
For the time being ..is it possible that any member who wants to share his material must share password with Admin , without this he should not be allowed to upload any data or paste any external link.

If any member intentially breaks rules <give 5 chances> then him membership should be dissolved.

any if he is not sharing password with the ppl ..then ADMIN (because he is Moderator) should come into action and provide password to the ppl ...

2010-05-16, 09:44 AM
The password can be revealed together with the hidden link.

2010-05-16, 09:46 AM
okie but till now (if I am not wrong) we have not got enough information on hiding link etc ..please correct me if I am wrong.

2010-05-16, 09:48 AM
True, because it hasn't been implemented yet. Only if the admin installs or modifies it.