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View Full Version : Plot Code Shme in Actix

2010-01-12, 09:13 PM
Dear Friends,

How we can plot UL/DL Code Schem in Actix for GPRS and have CS usage chart.


2010-01-12, 09:52 PM
Hello electron,

What kind of DT tool you are using and which version of Actix?

I' am using Actix
In the newer versions the parameters you need are missing. I don't know if there is a bug with my log files or not, but I recommend you to use this Actix version.

The parameters you need are placed in GSM -> GPRS Data -> GPRS RMAC -> Dedicated Radio Link -> Coding Scheme

The parameters are RMAC_DL_MCS_Actual and RMAC_UL_MCS_Actual.

P.S. Tested with TEMS 8 and Nemo 4.24