View Full Version : Question Open files *.ASC

2024-02-25, 06:31 AM

do you know how to open files *.ASC in mapinfo
or how to convert it to Mapinfo *.Tab files

2024-02-26, 10:54 AM
Hi Dears,

any idea, please..

2024-02-26, 02:00 PM
It may depend on the version of mapinfo, but try:
Home > Open > Table > Select Raster
And choose your asc file.
Won't be in front of my desktop until Thursday and can do a run through with screen shots then if you like.

2024-02-26, 11:15 PM
Hi Dear,
I have mapinfo 2021 and it give me below error message when i try to import my *.ASC files even when i select File type Raster Image

2024-02-27, 04:50 AM
Likely to be incorrect header in the file.
Can you share the file and I'll look into?

What version mapinfo you using?

Have your tried gdal tools?
Do you have other software like qgis or globalmapper?

Hi Dear,
I have mapinfo 2021 and it give me below error message when i try to import my *.ASC files even when i select File type Raster Image

2024-02-29, 04:54 AM
Could be issue with header or spatial reference / projection.

I'm running V2021.1 Build 33 and sometimes I get a similar error. It is inconsistent but seems to be related to the spatial reference / projection of the ASC file.
The application should prompt for a projection. Sometimes it does not do this and fails with an error message. When this occurs, I use a .prj file which is appropriate for the ASC file, rename it to be the same as the ASC file and put it in the same folder as the ASC file, then open the ASC File.

If you share the file, I'll try it on my system.

2024-03-01, 03:16 PM
Update for others:

The asc file contained vector line strings in a format that I was not familiar with.

Each line string was composed of multiple lines with the following format:
line 1: index, class of street, number of vertices. Multiple spaces were used to separate the items.
line 2 to n: pair of coordinates representing the vertices of the line string. n being the number of vertices per line 1. Coordinates were separated by a space.

Example below. Note that the dot (.) represents a space as the editor seems to take out whitespace :-)
1.............. street..............2
easting northing
easting northing
2.............. street..............2
easting northing
easting northing
3.............. street..............4
easting northing
easting northing
easting northing
easting northing
4.............. street..............6
easting northing
easting northing
easting northing
easting northing
easting northing
easting northing
5.............. street..............2
easting northing
easting northing