View Full Version : STP8X Radio programing help

2024-02-15, 06:03 PM
recently I bought STP8X140 Radio, that I have to program eventually :D
But I have only RM1.81, and don's see that radio available in it... can I program it with this version?


2024-02-15, 09:35 PM
If the firmware is 10.5-004 or below, then you can use the RM1.

2024-02-15, 09:53 PM
If the firmware is 10.5-004 or below, then you can use the RM1.

How can I check the firmware version?

2024-02-15, 10:55 PM
You can connect the radio station to your computer, then open the "Radio Manager Toolbox" that comes with RM1.81, connect it correctly, select "Information", and wait for the number after the<mainCodeSoftwareVersion>field in the pop-up window to correspond to the corresponding version number. You can send out this string of numbers to see if anyone can parse it (my version number information is up until 2011)

2024-02-16, 06:46 PM
Tap *477 on radio

2024-02-16, 07:50 PM
STP8140 = no keypad to tap *477 or *435

On limited or no keypad versions to get engineering menu:
press red button and turn 3 times the rottary knob... both directions shows things

If you are on FW above 10.19, must buy SALT-licence to do that.

2024-02-19, 03:03 AM
Nothing happens when I try that :(
Sadly, I still don't have programming cable for the STP8X, I'll make one soon and try with Radio Manager Toolbox.