View Full Version : HTTP/FTP multithread DL for full buffer DL

2023-11-05, 06:19 PM

for getting idea of peak throughput given by network as certain time, certain place, it is recommended to use multithread http/ftp downloads ...
Multithreads FTP/HTTP go up to 8 , if I am not wrong , and with 5 it is already reached the aim to activate all resources to DL some content with all offered by network
This should be full buffer downloads, isn it ?

If we have an option in Nemo Outdoor called "multipart" , and it is indeed "multithread" for HTTP/FTP downloads, what are reasonable number of threads for different RAT/technologies ?

4G/5G - maximum 5 threads ?
3G - maximum 3 threads ?
1G - maximum 1 thread ?

Please, can someone advise a little bit and "remove some of my clouds in knowledge to see sunlight better" :)

Thanks, P:)

2023-11-06, 06:27 PM
Please, can you add some comment from your experience, please ?