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View Full Version : Bridgewave NAVIGATOR

2022-02-14, 08:34 AM
ask help to better understand functionalities of
a MW product.
share please material for NAVIGATOR Bridgewave DT or ST

hi, here is the PDF, maybe you haven't seen it yet
Overview_of_BridgeWave _Navigator_-_Q1_2020.pdf

this is the first time I see such aggressive marketing
as comparison with ceragon/cambium.

By the way, after network shutdown, my boss has 50..100 ceragon/cambium ip20c/820, 11ghz (I'll be more specific)
and a few unused XPIC/ABC/modem/speed/etc options left and it can transfer. maybe someone needs buy for cheap. Ukraine.

2022-03-07, 11:57 PM
I also see that this device is sold with the AL wireless or Alcoma logo
