View Full Version : L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.TNL and L.E-RABFailEst.TNL

2021-10-28, 09:53 PM
Dear Experts,

In your network, when you encounter these counters L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.TNL and L.E-RABFailEst.TNL, (failures due to Transport Network layer fault)..
Say in a specific time that your Drop Rate and eRAB Setup SR degraded due to these TNL issues.. did you see any alarms on your network that coincides with these counters? If yes, what alarms are related to these counters? Like when TNL failure counter pegs, would it also trigger an alarm on U2020?

What could be other ways to avoid these pegging of TNL counters (e.g. IP Transport utilization, packet loss?)

Thank you.

2021-10-29, 12:09 AM

1st check check if with SCTP Link Alarms related to S1=AP.

2nd if No S1=AP alarms, need to check if Static Check parameters are correctly set by your transmission partners group.

Hope this will help.


Dear Experts,

In your network, when you encounter these counters L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.TNL and L.E-RABFailEst.TNL, (failures due to Transport Network layer fault)..
Say in a specific time that your Drop Rate and eRAB Setup SR degraded due to these TNL issues.. did you see any alarms on your network that coincides with these counters? If yes, what alarms are related to these counters? Like when TNL failure counter pegs, would it also trigger an alarm on U2020?

What could be other ways to avoid these pegging of TNL counters (e.g. IP Transport utilization, packet loss?)

Thank you.