View Full Version : FlexLM unpacking

2021-08-23, 01:33 AM
Hi all! Is there any way to unpack an app from FlexLM?

2021-08-23, 04:26 AM
the flexlm use packer? news for me...

2021-08-28, 04:53 PM
Unprotect it, I mean

2021-09-18, 01:14 AM
I'm interested in this question as well. It's well studied, and there's lots to learn about it on this forum and others. I don't have the rep to see the solutions present but basically it looks a bit like this:

-- Modern FlexLM uses ECC [elliptic curve cryptography, aka asymmetric crypto]. The implementation isn't quite right, so you have to use their SDK to create a genuine file. Youo can get the sdk by registering for a trial on their site
-- THe magic are the private keys compiled into each application and eaaach version of the lmgrid
-- You can either try to find them -- v. hard -- or paptch ouot the calls to it
-- Therrefore while this reciep works it is not a panacea; you need skill / practice for it and there is no single 'app' that works. but there are those that give you hints
-- Bruteforcing the private keys is theoretically possible but not very probable.

2022-07-22, 02:53 AM
Can anyone extend the time of this license file?
Link of software: https://cdna.p30download.ir/p30dl-software/DNV.GL.AS.Phast.Safety.v8.22.17.0_p30download.com.rar
Link of Flexlm directory: https://mega.nz/file/tcJ10J4Y#Yp1JrTgefFY4ofT3xb8IezIWc6xveO6ZPeggFWd5A34

2022-09-20, 08:47 PM
Can anyone extend the time of this license file?
Link of software: https://cdna.p30download.ir/p30dl-software/DNV.GL.AS.Phast.Safety.v8.22.17.0_p30download.com.rar
Link of Flexlm directory: https://mega.nz/file/tcJ10J4Y#Yp1JrTgefFY4ofT3xb8IezIWc6xveO6ZPeggFWd5A34

8.4version can be down from here:https://www.isharepc.com/8360.html
may be pay for 7 $

and here FYI:
