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View Full Version : Question HUAWEI RTN CLI TOOL

2021-03-18, 12:19 AM
Hi all,

Please, can someone share with us the huawei Cli Tool for RTN Cli Access ? Or any information about that ?

Thank's in advance.


2021-04-27, 09:57 AM
just SSH works for CLI, if it is disabled, then it can be enabled.
the commands are the same as in the Navigator.

some service commands may change in new versions.

Huawei has a disgusting WebLCT, it's time-consuming.
I would like to use completely ssh, but completely missing documentation.

I can't properly update the software via ssh, because some kind of PKG activation is needed.
I also need to upload licenses via DC Tool,
because update via SSH - the TRIAL flag isn't removed,
and an reboot is needed ((

I heard that the RTN MML documentation is in the file 900r19c00_sm.pdf, but I couldn't download it.
link dead https://forum.huawei.com/enterprise/en/rtn-mml/thread/622270-100305

in any case, we will never get the MML documentation,
when the version is downgraded, the RTN may end up in BIOS mode(other MML command set),
and huawei engineers don't know anything about it.