View Full Version : Reverse-engineering tips

2019-12-24, 02:25 AM
Hi everybody! New member here. I was looking around the forum and couldn't find any info on these general reverse-engineering tips, so here they are:

1. Can't afford IDA to decompile code? Use the NSA's free Ghidra:
2. Concerned about your privacy? Don't use Tor, use Mullvad! It will help cover your digital tracks without slowing your connection to a crawl (gives free introduction hours & accepts payment via bitcoin cash)
3. Trying to find an old binary that isn't indexed in any major search engine (for the web or usenet)? Use Newsbin Pro to search 10+ years of Usenet (offers a free trial for 14 days)
4. Need to easily fake an OS time to an application but don't want to reset your clock system-wide? Use libfaketime - https://github.com/wolfcw/libfaketime
5. Need a book but can't find it anywhere? Find a nearby university and request it through an inter-library loan ( alternatively find the nearest library with the book at https://www.worldcat.org/ )

Cheers :D

2020-02-08, 12:58 PM
Welcome! I am new as well but excited to be here!