View Full Version : Drive Test report using mapinfo 17

2019-12-20, 11:41 PM
Please am having issue creating report with mapinfo 17. I can't find "Legacy" tab in mapinfo ribbon. Can't choose "Wifi Sitesee" under table. Please how do I include this option or Tab in mapinfo 17.0.3.

2019-12-31, 11:53 PM
Please am having issue creating report with mapinfo 17. I can't find "Legacy" tab in mapinfo ribbon. Can't choose "Wifi Sitesee" under table. Please how do I include this option or Tab in mapinfo 17.0.3.

Hi henry3499

first time, You have to register "Sitesee" on Mapinfo 17..

1. Go to Tools, and locate SiteSee.MBX,
2. Check Box on Autoload in Sub-Tab (Registered).
3. Click on Load Tool (Run), automatically Sub-Menu Legacy will Opened.

sitesee.MBX download link https://www.4shared.com/s/fj-GPJwkHea4245642457

2020-01-07, 01:59 PM
Please kindly share HCTv.MBX tool

2020-01-07, 04:09 PM
https://www.4shared.com/rar/gjCUjhrTiq/HCT.html (as found on this forum)

2020-01-07, 04:43 PM
https://www.4shared.com/rar/gjCUjhrTiq/HCT.html (as found on this forum)
how to use it? thx.

2020-01-07, 06:34 PM
Please someone should help me with MIPT4G.MBX or MIPT5G.MBX tool. Thanks

2020-01-12, 04:04 PM
Please i want to plot HO Failure and HO in mapinfo 17x, I observed that when I click on "Style"
1) I found HO and HO Intracell event,no HO Failure event available
2) How do I select multiple event, Ctrl+A or Shift key not working.
3) please can someone explain the difference between MIPT and Sitesee,can I use Sitesee for LTE site database.
Thanks in advance