View Full Version : E// NCS vs NCELLREL counters

Tomas Delgado
2019-10-21, 11:04 PM
Hi dear E// experts,

Im curious about NCS measurements vs counters HOVERCNT, HOVERSUC of the ncellrel table.
By now I dont have access to NCS but looking at the counters above is very strange that the measurement count is very low. Im curious about how this counters work and if they in fact represent all the event count on the neighbor relations of a cell.

Thank you.

2019-11-12, 04:32 PM
in my opinion NCS measurement are run for a period of time and the MS just report the 6 strongest measurement (which can be neighbor or non neighbor) and also many interferes which are ignored due to wrong decoding of BCCH and BSIC .. HO Counts are based only on handover attempt that happened and not happened.. the handover are controlled with other link budget threshold and offset and are related to only cells that are declared as neighbors .. but NCS is for neighbor and non neighbor .. and we use them to chose a clean frequency !