View Full Version : Question Pctel MX power connector

2018-12-29, 08:13 AM
A friend gave me a Pctel MX scanner to play around,
but somewhere he lost the power cable in some of DT car.
(No, the device is not stolen)))

Friend soldered me a bypass cable and gave me a power supply,
but maybe it works when the power is 230, not my 160V.
im my case - device don't boot with two RF. only with one.

Please tell me the marking of the power connector.
I want mage good copper cable to throw on the 150Ah battery.

I also solder my wire, but The device consumes 70+ watts
and wire that I soldered - very hot, and Voltage without RF board <10 Volt.

so, please, tell me model of power connector at pctel MX?


2018-12-30, 11:13 AM
found. it's lemo 2b 303 series

2019-01-02, 01:25 AM
it is no need to use MX scanner, power consumption is quite high, just use DRT4311B is OK, only 10 Watts, search it within Ebay

2019-01-02, 02:14 AM

yea, the receiver consumes a lot.
the thin wires were warming up at me,
and the receiver was working unstably.

Now I monitor the power.