View Full Version : flexlmECC auto patch V2.1

2018-08-14, 05:14 PM

Modified a bug, in some special cases there will be problems with KEY not found.

thanks for the chineese autors of this tools.

2018-10-30, 11:24 AM
Thanks a lot for sharing this tool. I do appreciate if you have access to this forum. I really need to download some files from there. Also if you need to download any file from this forum please let me know and I should help you.

2018-10-30, 11:30 AM
Please I need the installer

2018-10-30, 12:02 PM
Which installer do you need ?

2018-10-31, 02:21 AM

Modified a bug, in some special cases there will be problems with KEY not found.

thanks for the chineese autors of this tools.

Can you provide some feedback for the author because I tested it with a 64bit target that tanker 1.7 detected all pubkey groups however this program was not able to locate them in the 64bit. It was able to locate them only in the 32bit version. Thanks for your support.

2018-11-10, 05:32 PM
frekdz, how to use this patcher.
how to know & paste lm_pubkey?
any video to use it?



Modified a bug, in some special cases there will be problems with KEY not found.

thanks for the chineese autors of this tools.

2018-11-11, 11:26 PM

Please have a look at the attached image. It is straightforward. If you do not know your own pubkey then probably you need to study a little bit about ECC pubkey. Basically you need to build your flexlm SDK, then you will have your own lmcrypt. In the same time you get a file called lmnewgen.exe. just type lmnewgen -pubkey and you will get your built pubkey. after that it is just a copy and paste in this tool and it will replace them. Pay attention as this tool currently supports only the shortest pubkey, 113bit. Or you can use tanker 1.7 if you want to replace longer pubkeys however you have to build your lmcrypt using default seeds of tanker. I hope this clarify things for you.

2018-11-13, 02:17 AM
anybody please for acc patcher flexnet licensing v11.14.1.2?


Please have a look at the attached image. It is straightforward. If you do not know your own pubkey then probably you need to study a little bit about ECC pubkey. Basically you need to build your flexlm SDK, then you will have your own lmcrypt. In the same time you get a file called lmnewgen.exe. just type lmnewgen -pubkey and you will get your built pubkey. after that it is just a copy and paste in this tool and it will replace them. Pay attention as this tool currently supports only the shortest pubkey, 113bit. Or you can use tanker 1.7 if you want to replace longer pubkeys however you have to build your lmcrypt using default seeds of tanker. I hope this clarify things for you.

2018-11-13, 08:49 AM
Which is your vendor ?

2018-11-13, 01:50 PM
vendor : DIALIC
flexnet licensing v11.14.1.2

2018-11-14, 12:54 AM
hey guys. can someone help me with a flexnet 11.12.1 target? vendor O.D.3.D (without .) i have general reversing knowledge but could grasp flexnet reversing yet. I have debugged the app and vendor with olly trying to find a solution but no result.