View Full Version : Greetings from Finland

2018-07-12, 09:37 AM

I am Mike from Finland and I find my self into here via google when I was searching programming software for EADS/NOKIA THR880i. I saw that they were shared in here some time ago but they went into wrong hands and being deleted from here after that. Even though I probably don't have anything valuable for exchange to those software's I would be more than thankful to some member of this community if he/she could share those with me:(

Like you already see I got my self tangled into world of TETRA radios via some trades I did lately. So my first tetra radio is EADS THR880i. The radio I received was factory reseted so its completely empty from everything. I already find couple places where I could possible get the programming cable from but the software is always kind of tricky part since I am not buy as a company representative. I also find EADS factory codes too but that's probably something that you guys already know or do not have any use since you might can change those from software as well.

I am also interested of all kind of radio and IT stuff even tho I don't understand much of about the technology they have inside. I am also hobbyist of SelexES (nowadays known as Leonardo) H4855 PRR radios. They are pretty easy to use but hide a lot of interesting tech inside since they are made for military use and they are still issued in conflict zones around the world. They work in 2.4Ghz bandwidth and have some ufo modulation. They also have data cable and software to do diagnostics, firmware updates and setting up the encryption keys, but since those radios are made for the military and never been sold to civilian markets (as new) the data cable and software is out of civilian people's reach, luckily the radios do not need those to work.

Kind regards, Mike

https://i.imgur.com/4MDln6B.jpg (https://i.imgur.com/Rur9Ud4.jpg)