View Full Version : Question Socket error when using Data card or Note 4 for data thoughput !

2018-02-06, 05:06 PM
Dear experts
I faced with problem when going DT onsite41168
Our data card is Serra Wireless/Netgear 320U, using Tems Insvestigation 16.3 , script data download and upload 01 session LTE 4G
However, when data thoughput access, a little time later, an error sockets appear that make corrupt connection, and happen usually.
I tried to reset, re-install driver, change port or change many data cards, change laptop.. but it's still appear. Somes time error happens after 1 turn up/down, or happens continuously many times
So is it related to server ? We use filezilla to accesss server -- no prolem, but not in Tems
Please give me your advice