View Full Version : Question Drive Test Case

2009-06-25, 08:43 PM
Following case observed during Drive test:

Same cell-id is observed for all 3 sectors.

What could be the cause?


2009-06-25, 08:53 PM
Please check:

1. Distance to the serving cell

2. Cell Database validation

3. The cell is omni or not

4. Surrounding trees and building

2009-06-25, 11:08 PM

check configuration of your site ,mybe you used the same bcch for 2 or 3 sectors
and also ask for site survey ,my be wrong connection between cdu trx and cdu antenna (cross connection).

br hassen

2009-06-25, 11:17 PM
Following case observed during Drive test:

Same cell-id is observed for all 3 sectors.

What could be the cause?


Many possibilities !! But tell me how do u know same cell id is there in all sectors? Are you getting different BCCH/BSIC in all sector directions? are u getting handovers?

Hassen is right, there could be only a single cell id created, and maybe u r having the splitted cell. Different antenna in different directions are representing ONLY 1 sector, please also check the Database, there could be another reason that the two cells are having alarms and they are not ON-AIR, and if u r moving near the site then u r receiving the signals of only 1 cell id. Check with the NSS end also, supposing everything is Ok at BSS end then probably the other 2 cell ids are not defined at NSS that is why the call is not intitiated or handed over to other cells !!

Also check the neighbor definitions, consult with the planning guy, he'll tell you the configuration of the site.

Note: Before doing the drive test, you should have something with you. Drive testing is trouble shooting and checking the health of the site. You can only check the site if u know what is the Site Configuration Planned (Take the TSS Report), check the DB (BSS and NSS) to know the creation of the cellids. This will help you to do the drive test !