View Full Version : Hi from the Netherlands

2016-11-28, 04:30 PM
Hi all,

Thank you for letting me join the forum. As a radio amateur from the Netherlands I'm exploring the use of Tetra for HAM purposes. As Tetra is mainly used by professional users, the amount of info at the internet is quite rare. So I hope I can grab and combine some tips and tricks from this space when I run into issues (again).

Currently I've linked a ******** Tetra radio to the Echlink network, using SVXLink (which isn't a big deal). But to get the most out of Echlink, commands can be sent using DTMF on analog radios. As this isn't possible via Tetra DMO, I want to use SDS to send commands. I can do this either way via an external interface and a hardware DTMF encoder, or using the capabilities of a Raspberry Pi (which acts anyway as node computer for Echlink). For now (because I'm fitter / faster with an Arduino than with Python) I've chosen to go the hard(ware) way. All my adventures can be followed via my webpage www.pe2kmv.nl

On this website I've also published the description of my home brew programmer for the ******** MTM800 and the corresponding cable. It's a really cheap and easy project which works as good as it looks. Just take a peek at this project for a rainy day --> http://www.pe2kmv.nl/wp/en_GB/projecten/********-tetra-programmer-uk/
