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View Full Version : Big Data for Communication Service Providers (CSPs)

2016-05-07, 08:09 PM
People, devices and networks are constantly generating data. When users stream videos, play the latest game with friends, or make in-app purchases, their activity generates data about their needs and preferences, as well as their QoE. Even when users put their devices in their pockets, the network is generating location and other data that keeps services running and ready to use. As a result, the rate of mobile network data traffic growth is increasing rapidly. It is estimated that by 2020, the number of smartphone subscriptions will have increased from today’s 2.7 billion to 6.1 billion, and the total amount of mobile traffic generated by smartphones will be five times that of today. CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE AT----->http://trends-in-telecoms.blogspot.sn/2016/05/big-data-for-communication-service.html#more