View Full Version : Clutter imported on first project but in second

2016-04-09, 02:43 AM
Dear coleagues
I have an issue importing same clutter that I have already imported in first project without any problem, but in another project I want to use the same clutter so I imported it but nothing happened in the screen : all blank except my sites! I tried closing the first project and do it again => same result, tried opening second project in another window (not cascaded with the first one) => same problem! any idea please! It's annoying and blocking me in my work!

2016-04-09, 02:48 AM
Dear coleagues
I have an issue importing same clutter that I have already imported in first project without any problem, but in another project I want to use the same clutter so I imported it but nothing happened in the screen : all blank except my sites! I tried closing the first project and do it again => same result, tried opening second project in another window (not cascaded with the first one) => same problem! any idea please! It's annoying and blocking me in my work!
sorry guys to bother you it was an error from my side

2016-04-09, 03:38 AM
So It' solved now &_&

2016-04-27, 07:59 PM
Congratulations,to know the reason is important,guess you find the problem and solved now!