View Full Version : MTH800: Erased flash

2015-01-02, 05:26 AM

I was performing several tests on my MTH800 Terminal yesterday, however in that process I have accidentally erased the complete flash, now my terminal is unable to start in flash mode anymore and now comes up as an unrecognized device in windows

is there a way to restore the software on it

2015-01-02, 06:50 AM
Yes, it is. You must connect terminal to CPS via RS232 cable.

2015-01-02, 09:14 AM
you don't need to spend money on the expensive tetra rs232 cable.
you can also use this ******** iDEN rs232 cable: NKN6544B
you will find them on ebay for ~5$

2015-03-27, 03:56 AM
Kdeam, it works this solution?
Do you solved the problem?
I have the same problem at my MTP850S radio...

2015-03-27, 04:46 AM
periquito, yes it works! i flashed my mth800 already twice back to life

2015-03-27, 11:58 AM
I also confirm that it works.

2015-04-15, 09:57 PM
Thanks all
I'll buy the cable and will report my experience

2015-04-29, 06:34 PM
Hi, I received the cable, but with no success.
I use CPS+ depot 6.0.2 and clicking on "detec radio on RS232 port" don't detects any radio. I tried the same with another correct operating radio and don't detects it too.
The cable and the computer works ok, and I tried the procedure with another PC.
May be I must use another old CPS version?
I have the original codeplug of the erased radio, and all release packs that I can need.
Somebody can help me?
I don't know if I need same flashtool aplication....
Thank you all for your time

2015-04-29, 11:37 PM
What cable do you using?

2015-04-30, 01:11 AM
NKN6544B rs232 cable

2015-04-30, 04:13 AM
Hi, You have to put radio into programming mode too

2015-04-30, 08:27 PM
Yes, 1+9 and power on, with programing cable attachet to radio and PC.
What CPS version you use?

2015-04-30, 09:11 PM
You need to put radio into flash mode. But I don't know how to do that. Geniuine FLN9636 cable have "data/flash" switch. I think you need to set flash mode via pins 13 and 14. Maybe this service manual will help you: http://www.radioscanner.ru/files/download/file15019/********_mth800_tetra_-_service_manual.pdf

2015-05-03, 01:49 AM
I think this is the correct way, Vladimir. I'll try it.

2015-05-10, 03:49 PM
Hi, I received the cable, but with no success.
I use CPS+ depot 6.0.2 and clicking on "detec radio on RS232 port" don't detects any radio. I tried the same with another correct operating radio and don't detects it too.
The cable and the computer works ok, and I tried the procedure with another PC.
May be I must use another old CPS version?
I have the original codeplug of the erased radio, and all release packs that I can need.
Somebody can help me?
I don't know if I need same flashtool aplication....
Thank you all for your time

Good morning!

It works with the NKN6544B. Connect the travelcharger at the RS-232 Cable. The connect the RS232 with your Computer an start the CPS.
Now start the function "Detect Radio on RS 232 Port" an press 1,9 an Power On/Off at your Radio. After a few seconds, the CPS will find the radio.
Now you can restore the radio. If you use the Labversion, it´s possible to write the complete content of the flash in the radio. (You must save the complete content before, when the radio was ok).

So I could rescue my MTH800 yesterday.

Best regards

2015-06-04, 01:06 AM
I received today a second new original and well marked NKN6544B cable.
I followed carefully all your instructions and CPS can't see a good workint mth800 radio connected with this cable.
I connected the cable to port COM 1 ( my PC has only 0ne serial port, called COM 1).
I connected the wall charger to the cable.
I connected a good working mth800 to the nkn6544B cable. The screen was lighted, becouse receives the charger power by the NKN cable.
I launch the CPS
I start the "Detect Radio on RS 232 port", and I pres 1 + 9 and power ON.
The radio turns on becouse this cable don't give to the radio the "program order".
The CPS says in one minute aprox "no radio detected"

When I disconnect the cable from the radio, the radio shows at screen "RS232 cable Disconnected". I asume the cable is working OK, but can't put the radio in flashing or program mode.

Do you know samebody who can repair a MTP850S radio, with erased memory?
I have a original codeplug and I can pay for your time.

Thank you all for your help and your time

2015-06-05, 04:54 PM
JMGUD, you have a PM, your inbox folder is full

2015-07-18, 08:28 PM
Repaired. I sent the radio to another member from this forum, and he reload all firmware with a special software, and this serial cable. I don't know what sotfware is.
Thank you for all.