View Full Version : FLASH CARD DXU/DUG

2014-11-29, 03:41 AM
i would like to share an information about the flash card for dxu/dug
many people think that when the flash card is formatted, it will be unsed
this is wrong, beacase they are making a woring format for the flash card;
the right thing is that the flash card cab be formatted and used again but you have to take in consideration the format type of file system fat/fat 32/ ntfs ...
The flash card for dxu/dug has the file system of FAT
please do not foget reputations
BR //

2014-12-15, 08:34 AM
Dears ;
also make sure of the following points

1- when you format a flash card , always check quick format .
2- always use FAT file system with (default allocation size).
3-always check that the flash card is (SET AS ACTIVE PARTITION).
4- ALL ABOVE also applies to flash cards of CBUs in RBSs 3000 Series ........

when after installing flash card and the fault led gets ON immediately after DXU,IXU, DUG power up , the flash card is not set as (ACTIVE partition or software Packge is corrupted) .........