View Full Version : EFS over DIAG port

2014-11-21, 03:01 AM
I'm looking for some help on browsing and reading EFS. I've been able to read/write NV items using the commands found on this file


Specifically, I am using the DIAG_CMD_NV_READ and the DMCmdNVReadWrite structure to read NV Items.

I want to do a similar thing with EFS, and I see two possible ways to do it but have no documentation.

First, there is the main command
DIAG_CMD_FS_OP = 89, /* Embedded File System (EFS) operations */

But there are no associated structures so I don't know what the packet format should look like.

The second is the subsystem command, using the subsystem ID
DIAG_SUBSYS_FS = 19, /* File System (EFS2) */

But again, there are no structures for giving clues of what the packet should look like.

If anyone has any documentation about EFS or the command structures required for browsing EFS, I'd like to hear from you. After reading so many great things about what writing to EFS can do, I'd love to be able to access this but as of yet am unable to even know where to begin.

Any help would be appreciated.
