View Full Version : Need help in actix urgent case

2014-11-18, 06:26 AM
1- why if i play log files using actix the number of samples counted by actix is lower than exporting the same log files in the map info from tems?

2- How to creat another definition for events in details plz like pilot pollution as example

2014-11-18, 07:26 PM
Hi 7y7a,

For the first question, unless you use "Message Binning" you can't expect to have the same samples as in TEMS.

For the second question, Pilot Pollution in Actix is based only on EcIo adjustable threshold. If you want to base it to another parameter(s) you can try creating custom attribute, based on a formula or an event (could be manually created) or export to Excel and create your own calculations there.


2014-11-21, 06:34 AM
can you explain in details


2014-11-21, 04:11 PM
1- why if i play log files using actix the number of samples counted by actix is lower than exporting the same log files in the map info from tems?

2- How to creat another definition for events in details plz like pilot pollution as example

Hi, for issue 1:
Inside ACTIX en TAB FILE / PREFERENCE, you have to choose in "General Settings" / "Binning" ( Mode = Messages and Message = 1 ) , with this you should be have approx. the same number.


2014-11-25, 01:12 AM
can you explain in details


Give more info for issue1

Binning is average
1) by time example 1s
2) by area example 3x3m or 5x5m