View Full Version : gauge vs counter

2014-11-03, 06:12 PM
Hi all

Could you pls explain detail about the difference btw gauge and counter in E******* vendor


2015-01-23, 10:02 AM
Hi nhake,
E******* uses following type of counters,
Counter Type The type of counter: Accumulator (ACC), Gauge (GAUGE), Peg (PEG), PDF, Scan (SCAN), TrigACC,or TrigSCAN

ACC: An accumulator counter that is increased by the value of a sample. It indicates the total sum of all sample values taken during a certain time. The name of an
accumulator counter begins either with pmSum or pmSumOfSamp.

GAUGE: A gauge counter that is increased or decreased depending on the activity in the system.

PEG: A peg counter is increased at each occurrence of a specific activity. It can be increased by one or another value, for example to accumulate the number of bits transferred due to specific activity.

PDF: A Probability Density Function (PDF) counter is a list of range values. A value is sampled (read) periodically. If the value falls within a certain range, the range counter for that range is increased. All range counter values are collected and stored in a Result Output Period (ROP) file at the end of each reporting period.

SCAN: A scan counter that is increased by 1 each time the corresponding accumulator counter is increased. It indicates how many samples have been read and added to the related accumulator counter. A scan counter can, therefore, be considered a type of peg counter. Due to these types of counters, it is possible to get the average value of all samples by dividing the accumulator counter by the scan counter. The name of a scan counter begins with pmSamples or pmNoOfSamp.

Note: Scan counters are not reset by feature deactivation, only at board restart.

TrigACC and TrigSCAN counter pairs define general purpose counters for averaging of any type of value. Values are added to the TrigACC counter when a defined trigger occurs and the number of occurrences of the trigger is held in the corresponding TrigSCAN counter. An average value can be calculated by TrigACC / TrigSCAN. A trigger can be anything, for example, an incoming 3GPP message, an internal system event or similar, and is defined for each counter pair.

TrigACC Sum of all values accumulated during the ROP at the occurrence of the defined trigger.

TrigSCAN Number of occurrences of the defined trigger during the ROP.

TrigSQR Sum of square of all values accumulated during the ROP at the occurrence of the defined trigger.

Hope that helps...