View Full Version : 2D vs 3D map as building height

2014-06-23, 03:16 AM
as you know 2D clutter height just considers average height of each clutter, while 3D model consider individual buildings, now I am wondering if any of you have any experience regarding practical effect of 2d vs 3d building height when planning a big city.

i appreciate any help.

2014-06-23, 10:28 PM
3D with building models (individual heights) is important for micro planning and if you plan to use ray tracing or to plan small area around one cell. If you working on a complete city then it is not so important. When yo look at the clutter quality you need to know what was the mapping size. In example, if someone took 1kmx1km in city to calculate average building height, then it is not good because you will get all sorts of buildings in such clutter. If you go with small bins (e.g. 50mx50m) ten it would be good enough. If you target big city, capacity limited environment, average height is good enough since you will downtilt antennas, will radiated in small area. You will not be able to resolve overshooting or something similar but it is not something that you could be sure even with best 3D models. The clutter is more important related to the building density than true height. Even with 3D buildings precision of z-axes is usually 3m.

2014-07-03, 01:24 AM
Dear dekili,
thx a lot for complete answer, I have two other question, I appreciate if u help me:
1) how the size of chosen bin for clutter height preparation by map providers has relation with the map resolution?
2) if 3d model is used instead of clutter height with a non ray tracing models like SPM or cost231, how atoll calculate the average height per bin/clutter? Does it make any error in prediction calculation?

thx a lot