View Full Version : URA and Fast Dormancy implemetation & KPI effected

2013-12-24, 06:27 PM

pl find attached discription on URA and Fast Dormancy implemetation & its effect on KPI's

2013-12-30, 09:42 PM
Drop increased after implementation of FD?

Whats the solution for this?

2014-01-04, 08:11 AM
Fast Dormancy Handling just works 100% in W13B or later versions (Please check E******* Docs to know more about). Before W13B there is a problem with Pre Release 8 handsets, but if you configure URA_PCH you have to activate Fast Dormancy Handling (FDH).

Talking about DROP you have to check FACH DROP, normally after URA_PCH and FDH, PS DROP increases cause FACH Overload increases, HSDPA DROP is also increased. Then you have to set a more agressive Channel Switching strategy trying to offload FACH Channel and reduce latency and Drop, just be careful cause more agressive sets of Channel Switching will increase RNC LOAD.

You have also check and project balanced URA Areas, if you have second and third carrier you can check FACH load in each carrier and try to balance it to reduce FACH DROP.

But is mandatory to have FULL URA_PCH and FDH have RNC that supports the load generated by an agressive set of Channel Switching and have at least 2 carriers, if you have 3 carriers is much better.

One more thing there is now a new transition that is URA-> CELL DCH that can help to "avoid" CELL FACH state.

Obs: If you have LTE layer and URA check please the feature Release with Redirect to LTE, active this feature and all the transitions that this feature supoort, for instance, there is an specific transition that can put UE in LTE (if supported) when UE in 3G is going from FACH to URA or when CELL DCH to URA (FDH)