View Full Version : Enable TrFO Feature

2013-12-01, 05:40 AM

How to enable TrFO feature in Huawei SRAN network?
is it only on MBSC level or there's actions should be taken in cell levels?

is it true that we could have Degradation in SHO for after enable it? why?

Hint: my network is not fully swapped yet

2013-12-01, 12:23 PM
How to enable :

Run the BSC6900 MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH ( to turn on the IuUP V2 switch to support TFO/TrFO. Select CS_IUUP_V2_SUPPORT_SWITCH from the CS Algorithm Switch drop-down list.

It is only on MBSC level. This feature can prevent speech quality deterioration caused by the interpretation between different coder and decoders (CODECs). The TrFO can also save the transmission resources.

2013-12-01, 08:36 PM
Another point Dears,
In this thread they are speaking that MS1 & MS2 must have same codec

Could you explain it in more details please?

2013-12-01, 10:00 PM
I don't agree MS1 & MS2 must have same codec.

Explaination :
The AMRC needs to check whether the TFO/TrFO exists before adjusting DL wideband AMR speech rate. If the TFO/TrFO does not exist, the CN has the associated encoder and the RNC delivers the RATE CONTROL command to the CN and starts the timer. If the TFO/TrFO exists, the CN has no associated encoder and the local RNC delivers to the peer RNC a command requesting the wideband AMR mode at a lower level. In addition, the local RNC starts the timer. After the peer RNC receives the command, it directly uses the wideband AMR mode at a lower level for the UL and returns the adjustment information to the local RNC. If the acknowledgement message is received before the timer expires, the adjustment of the DL wideband AMR speech rate is successful. Otherwise, the adjustment fails. If TFO/TrFO is unavailable, it is recommended that the timer to be set to 3000ms or else it is 7000ms instead because of more procedures involved in rate adjustment.