View Full Version : Question Piano With MapInfo

2013-09-04, 09:04 PM

I am Working with MapInfo 9 and i try to use Piano 4.1, 5 and 5.3 under Huawei 6900
to be able to see the HO relation of each cell with its neighbors but it didn't work,
It's only work to see the data for cells on Mapinfo.

-first is there any template for the piano excel file to working on it?
-2nd what is the steps to be able to add all of Cell Data, HO parameters "if Possible" and the Neighbors list.
-When i used the Piano 4.1 and 5 i have an error massage "Subscript out of range"

but when i work with Piano 5.3 the process success and HO table file loaded.
and when i try to check the nieghbors of any cells from the drop list i have a new massage " Datatype mismatch in expression"

IF anyone can help me with a success way to have the full usage of Piano "any working version" with Huawei 6900


2013-09-04, 11:08 PM

MapInfo 9 is very old. Perhaps you should try a newer version.

As for Piano 5.3,

Find attached the following files: Piano 5.3 MI tool, User Guide, NPO Template. I think I've downloaded from the forum but I can't find the thread now.



I am Working with MapInfo 9 and i try to use Piano 4.1, 5 and 5.3 under Huawei 6900
to be able to see the HO relation of each cell with its neighbors but it didn't work,
It's only work to see the data for cells on Mapinfo.

-first is there any template for the piano excel file to working on it?
-2nd what is the steps to be able to add all of Cell Data, HO parameters "if Possible" and the Neighbors list.
-When i used the Piano 4.1 and 5 i have an error massage "Subscript out of range"

but when i work with Piano 5.3 the process success and HO table file loaded.
and when i try to check the nieghbors of any cells from the drop list i have a new massage " Datatype mismatch in expression"

IF anyone can help me with a success way to have the full usage of Piano "any working version" with Huawei 6900


2013-09-04, 11:28 PM
thanks for your Reply Rooster[BG] (http://www.finetopix.com/member.php?8275-Rooster-BG)

I also download the same file from a forum, but it doesn't work did you think that the problem was from mapinfo itself?
when i test Piano 5.3 with mainfo 9 all features "GSM find, BSC, and LAC" working very will but the only problem was with HO and neighbors.

2013-09-04, 11:50 PM
Hello AhmadE,

Everything works for me with MapInfo 11.5.

Did you made the table in the same way as it is shown in the guide?

Do you have CI in the same format in the common Piano table? To show HO relations, Piano uses both tables (common and HO) and you choose cell by its name, not CI.
If all of the above is correct, I don't see other problem than the old version of MapInfo.


thanks for your Reply Rooster[BG] (http://www.finetopix.com/member.php?8275-Rooster-BG)

I also download the same file from a forum, but it doesn't work did you think that the problem was from mapinfo itself?
when i test Piano 5.3 with mainfo 9 all features "GSM find, BSC, and LAC" working very will but the only problem was with HO and neighbors.

2013-09-11, 09:18 PM
Hello Rooster,

can you explain to me more about to how i must save the data for Piano,
because i have only one template of Piano Data with several Sheets, and when i try to import this data to Mapinfo with Piano.
i must choose one of this sheets.

so i can able import one common Or HO but not the both.

;211640']Hello AhmadE,

Everything works for me with MapInfo 11.5.

Did you made the table in the same way as it is shown in the guide?

Do you have CI in the same format in the common Piano table? To show HO relations, Piano uses both tables (common and HO) and you choose cell by its name, not CI.
If all of the above is correct, I don't see other problem than the old version of MapInfo.


2013-09-11, 10:05 PM
Hello AhmadE,

If you read the documentation, you will see that HO file is a separate function of the tool and is created from different place and different Excel file.

As for BTS file, all the needed information should be in the same sheet.

You need BCCH, BSIC, CI, LAC, BSC, CA list, coordinates, (so you can connect to HO file). This is the required information for Piano. You can put as much extra information (e.g. antenna, antenna height, etc.) as you wish.
Each frequency from Cell Allocation should be in a separate column, named "CU1" to "CU12". BCCH should be include also (easiest in "CU1")


Hello Rooster,

can you explain to me more about to how i must save the data for Piano,
because i have only one template of Piano Data with several Sheets, and when i try to import this data to Mapinfo with Piano.
i must choose one of this sheets.

so i can able import one common Or HO but not the both.

2013-10-09, 04:08 AM
33836Here is the tool attached

2013-10-09, 06:40 PM
33836Here is the tool attached

@Ameed read the user guide in this post and sure there is no error.

2013-12-25, 02:14 AM
Hi Ahmed,

Could u help me for installation of piano.

2013-12-31, 10:01 PM
MIPT is better or piano !?

2014-03-14, 05:52 AM
Can anyone please share the filled template sheet Piano_NPO_Template.xls because in the attachment Piano5.3.rar every sheet is empty.
Also can anybody let me know if piano 5.3 works for 3G planning also?