View Full Version : Drive tool support Video quality test?

2009-03-21, 12:21 PM
Anyone know which tool support video service quality test such as PEVQ?
I thinks when 3G and Wimax is available popular, the demand of PEVQ increasing.

2009-11-18, 01:12 AM
As I know from Opticom (owner of PEVQ) website, there are some mobile test tools use PEVQ: Ascom Qvoice, DingLi Pioneer, Rohde Schwarz ROMES, Optis XCAL-W. Some others say their products also support PEVQ: Couei X-Cal, Anite Nemo Outdoor (just for Video Streaming).

2009-12-07, 11:03 PM
I need to AQM device
how i can buy that??