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View Full Version : NSN Multiple TRX commands (ZERS) problem

2013-08-06, 07:22 PM

I'm trying to send multiple TRX unlocking commands (ZERS:BTS=XX,TRX=YY:U;) one after the other.
It executes the first, but then has problem with the second - DX Error 10824 BSS - system has no resources for requested task
Only after many tries - it executes the second command etc...

What can I do so that it will unlock the TRXs faster in a batch ?


2013-08-10, 04:53 AM
you have to lock the BTS then execute ZERS:bts=XXX,TRX=1&&10:u; otherwise no any possibility to do it faster when the BTS is working.

2013-08-10, 08:20 PM
you can use also CM editor , after locking BTS