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2009-03-16, 01:00 AM
I have exported a tems log files with parameter rx level,latitude,longitude,rx qual in mapinfo tab. Then i open it in mapinfo and create a thematic map for rx level. My problem is how can i show the call drop, handover fail, handover like events in the thematic map. and how can i connect this map to the serving cells.

2009-03-16, 03:09 AM
I have exported a tems log files with parameter rx level,latitude,longitude,rx qual in mapinfo tab. Then i open it in mapinfo and create a thematic map for rx level. My problem is how can i show the call drop, handover fail, handover like events in the thematic map. and how can i connect this map to the serving cells.

SEE the snapshot attached here.

Not a problem bruv,,

You need to make sure that you have exported the events when exporting the Mapinfo tab from TEMS investigation. When u export it by using MAPINFO (.TAB) option, there are two tabs in a parameter selection window of TEMS. Select the tab from top and make sure you have selected the option "Export the events but do not plot in MapInfo", See Snapshot attached. Now run the export process !

Once the tab is created, open the tab in MapInfo. Go to Table --> Maintainence --> Table Structure. Select the TAB which you have opened in MapInfo and click OK. Make sure events is checked, check the "TABLE is Mapable".

Press CTRL + F and click specify.

In Search Table, select the logfile tab.

In "For Objects in Column": Select "events"

Mark with symbol (like arrow) and click OK.

Now Suppose you have call drops, then search for call drop and click OK. There you go

2009-03-16, 01:18 PM
Not a problem bruv,,

You need to make sure that you have exported the events when exporting the Mapinfo tab from TEMS investigation. When u export it by using MAPINFO (.TAB) option, there are two tabs in a parameter selection window of TEMS. Select the tab from top and make sure you have selected the option "Export the events but do not plot in MapInfo", See Snapshot attached. Now run the export process !

Once the tab is created, open the tab in MapInfo. Go to Table --> Maintainence --> Table Structure. Select the TAB which you have opened in MapInfo and click OK. Make sure events is checked, check the "TABLE is Mapable".

Press CTRL + F and click specify.

In Search Table, select the logfile tab.

In "For Objects in Column": Select "events"

Mark with symbol (like arrow) and click OK.

Now Suppose you have call drops, then search for call drop and click OK. There you go
Dear Iccengr,
Thanks. I have increased your reputation.
Now one question is that how can view in mapinfo which cell is giving coverage at different pts in map but i do not want to label cell id as it will look not good and looking informaion at every pt. in the map is not a good idea.

2009-03-16, 03:04 PM
one simple thing, map it with cell id.
make a thematic of cell id, or BCCH (not much accurate)

2009-03-17, 09:56 PM
one simple thing, map it with cell id.
make a thematic of cell id, or BCCH (not much accurate)
Dear david,
Can you tell me how to show distance on thematic map from the serving sites at different points or under certain conditions like poor rx level,Call drop, Handover failure,
Thanks in advance.

2009-03-17, 10:13 PM

There is one hidden utility in mapinfo (Spider.mbx ) , just use it and u can connect serving cells with the DT logs in ur mapinfo

1. Click on Mapinfo tool manager and load the Spider.mbx
2. Export ur logs in tab format along with Serving Cell Id or CI (Information Element )(eg use TEMS to export this IE )
3.Now use Spider.mbx utility and connect cell site data base with ur dt logs in mapinfo
4.Now apply thematic map on export file of Spider as well as ur loaded DT Logs . ( eg u can plot Rx Level thematic on DT Logs and Spider out put as serving Cell id etc etc )

(Well u can perform this kinda analysis in ACTIX )


2009-03-18, 04:27 AM
Dear Iccengr,
Thanks. I have increased your reputation.
Now one question is that how can view in mapinfo which cell is giving coverage at different pts in map but i do not want to label cell id as it will look not good and looking informaion at every pt. in the map is not a good idea.

David has already given the answer to the question. I'll just tell you in more explanatory format !

You need to draw your sites through SiteSee (See my Guide of Creating sites) but there will be an extra column in it having BCCH. There will be 4 Mandatory COLUMNS in your excel sheet, Cell Ids, Lat, Long, Azimuth and 1 Extra Column Of BCCH. When u have created your cell IDs, you just need to draw the thematic of your sites according to the BCCH. I hope you know how to create the thematics that will color your SITE with different BCCH COLORS. If not then please ask and i'll tell you with snapshot !

Now Export your logfile with an extra Element --> ARFCN in it. Now Draw the thematic of your logfile in Mapinfo according to the exported element (ARFCN). You will note that the colors given to your logfile ARFCNs are different than the site BCCH. Just edit both thematics and give the same color to SAME ARFCNs. Thats it !

Color will tell you which BCCH is served where and which sector is having this BCCH !

If you know how to write the expression in MapInfo then you can also create the thematic of BCCH+BSIC in it. It is not difficult at all but little extra effort can make you do this as well.

The easiest method is to use POST PROCESSING tools, i recommend you to use Actix and then see the downlink measurements. Plot your Serving ARFCNs in it, the colors of sites and your drive will be automatically adjusted by Actix :)

Have fun !

2009-03-18, 04:43 AM
Dear david,
Can you tell me how to show distance on thematic map from the serving sites at different points or under certain conditions like poor rx level,Call drop, Handover failure,
Thanks in advance.

Bruv that is a little tricky part. You need to calculate the distance in order to do so if you want it to display in thematic. Remember thematics are just the differentiation of colors, symbols etc of the table elements. To do so you need to put again an extra effort. I can tell you the hint of it !

Export the logfile in FMT (txt format) with Lat, Long, Cell IDs, Rxlev (dbm) in it. Open it in Excel and then copy in a new excel sheet with proper headers. Once completed, just remove the blanked cells in excel sheet. You know the Cell ID Lat Long Already, so there are distance formulae formula below, calculate your distance from any 1 of them and add it in extra column of ur excel sheet !

Formula 1
R = earth’s radius (mean radius = 6,371km)
Δlat = lat2− lat1
Δlong = long2− long1
a = sin²(Δlat/2) + cos(lat1).cos(lat2).sin²(Δlong/2)
c = 2.atan2(√a, √(1−a))
d = R.c

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula

Formula 2

d = acos(sin(lat1).sin(lat2)+cos(lat1).cos(lat2).cos(long2−long1)).R

d=distance (km)

lat1 = Cell ID latitude. (fixed)

long1 = Cell ID longitude. (fixed)

lat2 = Logfile lat (variable, see in excel sheet it is reported in every sample)
long2 = Logfile long ( variable, see in excel sheet it is reported in every sample)

Once you have calculated distance in your excel sheet, just import the excel and draw points according to Lat long so that you'll get your route in Mapinfo. Then create the RANGES thematic according to the distance you have calculated in extra column.


2009-03-18, 05:30 AM
you can assign some simbol to your event and it will be viewable on a map

2009-03-28, 06:13 AM
If you know how to write the expression in MapInfo then you can also create the thematic of BCCH+BSIC in it. It is not difficult at all but little extra effort can make you do this as well.

Dear Expert 'lccengr'

Could you describe how to perform the above quoted message???

Thanks and reputation in advance

2009-03-28, 04:02 PM
If you have two columns, one of BCCH and other of BSIC then you can label them by the following expression.


For thematic, you need to merge these two in 1 column.

2009-03-28, 06:40 PM
Thanks a lot lccengr, for you fast response and patience
As you are expert in MapInfo, could you guide me to do this task,
I have two tables (one contains long, lat and Rx for a big area) (the other one contains long, lat and RX for a route located inside the first one)
I want to add column to the second one (contains the first table signal strength values) and of the course the matching between two tables will be done according to the long, lat
So how could I do that?

2009-03-28, 07:42 PM
Thanks a lot lccengr, for you fast response and patience
As you are expert in MapInfo, could you guide me to do this task,
I have two tables (one contains long, lat and Rx for a big area) (the other one contains long, lat and RX for a route located inside the first one)
I want to add column to the second one (contains the first table signal strength values) and of the course the matching between two tables will be done according to the long, lat
So how could I do that?

Confusion for me, i don't really understand what you wanna do... why you have two tables? and if you want to add column in 2nd table with the rxlev of first table then why u want mapinfo to do it? use EXCEL !!

1. Export both tables in CSV and then copy them in 2 different sheets of same excel file.

2. Add 1 column in both sheets and add lat & long to generate a key for both tables.

3. You'll have lat&long key in both tables, use the vlookup of lat&long in 2nd table from the 1st table of Rxlev. When you you get the first table rxlev values in 2nd table then save it and open in mapinfo, thats it !!

Please let me know if you dont understand the above steps, also share the tables with me after exporting them in .CSV !!


2009-03-28, 11:20 PM
I know how to do it in Excel.....but i want to learn how to do it using MapInfo

2009-03-28, 11:25 PM
I know how to do it in Excel.....but i want to learn how to do it using MapInfo

Dear bruv,

Dont mix MapInfo with excel ... Mapinfo has the capability of taking the excel sheets because tables are better edited in Excel, Mapinfo uses expressions to modify some of the data... i use expression in labelling only, not to create columns... for that i have Excel .. !!

I hope you are familiar with the features of excel table and mapinfo table !!

2009-03-29, 05:14 AM
Bruv that is a little tricky part. You need to calculate the distance in order to do so if you want it to display in thematic. Remember thematics are just the differentiation of colors, symbols etc of the table elements. To do so you need to put again an extra effort. I can tell you the hint of it !

Export the logfile in FMT (txt format) with Lat, Long, Cell IDs, Rxlev (dbm) in it. Open it in Excel and then copy in a new excel sheet with proper headers. Once completed, just remove the blanked cells in excel sheet. You know the Cell ID Lat Long Already, so there are distance formulae formula below, calculate your distance from any 1 of them and add it in extra column of ur excel sheet !

Formula 1
R = earth’s radius (mean radius = 6,371km)
Δlat = lat2− lat1
Δlong = long2− long1
a = sin²(Δlat/2) + cos(lat1).cos(lat2).sin²(Δlong/2)
c = 2.atan2(√a, √(1−a))
d = R.c

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula

Formula 2

d = acos(sin(lat1).sin(lat2)+cos(lat1).cos(lat2).cos(long2−long1)).R

d=distance (km)

lat1 = Cell ID latitude. (fixed)

long1 = Cell ID longitude. (fixed)

lat2 = Logfile lat (variable, see in excel sheet it is reported in every sample)
long2 = Logfile long ( variable, see in excel sheet it is reported in every sample)

Once you have calculated distance in your excel sheet, just import the excel and draw points according to Lat long so that you'll get your route in Mapinfo. Then create the RANGES thematic according to the distance you have calculated in extra column.


Thnxs for this useful information but I think its better to use Timing Advance it will show the same information

2009-03-29, 05:20 AM

There is one hidden utility in mapinfo (Spider.mbx ) , just use it and u can connect serving cells with the DT logs in ur mapinfo

1. Click on Mapinfo tool manager and load the Spider.mbx
2. Export ur logs in tab format along with Serving Cell Id or CI (Information Element )(eg use TEMS to export this IE )
3.Now use Spider.mbx utility and connect cell site data base with ur dt logs in mapinfo
4.Now apply thematic map on export file of Spider as well as ur loaded DT Logs . ( eg u can plot Rx Level thematic on DT Logs and Spider out put as serving Cell id etc etc )

(Well u can perform this kinda analysis in ACTIX )


This tool realy is very good ,but I have one question I want to draw thematic map with Spider tool map and DT Log Cell ID So I can see coverage for each sites. the problem is this two thematic maps have different colors How can I make them have the same colors per Cell ID.

2009-03-29, 06:03 AM
Thnxs for this useful information but I think its better to use Timing Advance it will show the same information

JustDream: Can you tell me how to show distance on thematic map from the serving sites at different points or under certain conditions like poor rx level,Call drop, Handover failure,Thanks in advance.

Bruv please read the subject of this thread, he is saying mapinfo problem and his query is to plot the thematic and calculate the distance himself and then give the different color ranges to it !

For TA, you need to again calculate the distance, the values of timing advance are 0-63 and every number represents a different distance. Now in TA if the signal is reflected from many places then it will tell you the total distance covered, not the actual distance ! In urban area, your signal gets reflected from building, trees etc therefore the timing advance values changes 2 and you don't actually get the picture from TA that how far are you from the site ! This is just a concept, you know there are many ways to do a single thing !!

2009-03-30, 03:26 AM
JustDream: Can you tell me how to show distance on thematic map from the serving sites at different points or under certain conditions like poor rx level,Call drop, Handover failure,Thanks in advance.

Bruv please read the subject of this thread, he is saying mapinfo problem and his query is to plot the thematic and calculate the distance himself and then give the different color ranges to it !

For TA, you need to again calculate the distance, the values of timing advance are 0-63 and every number represents a different distance. Now in TA if the signal is reflected from many places then it will tell you the total distance covered, not the actual distance ! In urban area, your signal gets reflected from building, trees etc therefore the timing advance values changes 2 and you don't actually get the picture from TA that how far are you from the site ! This is just a concept, you know there are many ways to do a single thing !!

thank you for your clarification but I just wanted to give him another way.
As you said there are many ways to do a single thing

2010-05-05, 11:55 AM
HI, newbie here,
I think to map the event you can use the query command and select any desired value for the event column (you should add this column when u export the logfiles) and then "save as" the selected record into a new mapinfo tab, than you create thematic map from the new mapinfo tab using individual type from the event field.

2010-05-05, 01:52 PM
Thanks a lot lccengr, for you fast response and patience
As you are expert in MapInfo, could you guide me to do this task,
I have two tables (one contains long, lat and Rx for a big area) (the other one contains long, lat and RX for a route located inside the first one)
I want to add column to the second one (contains the first table signal strength values) and of the course the matching between two tables will be done according to the long, lat
So how could I do that?

you can use table-update the column
table to update (the second table )
column to update(rx in your case-you should have t)
get value (you should choose the first table)
calculate value
of Rx
where lat&long from table1
matches lat&long from table 2

of course first you shold have 1 column in every table with lat&long(toghetherin order to be unique)

if it's not clear I can send you an example

2010-05-05, 03:58 PM
Hi Venom

Can we show the events (drop, handover failure... ) with using thematic map?

Not a problem bruv,,

You need to make sure that you have exported the events when exporting the Mapinfo tab from TEMS investigation. When u export it by using MAPINFO (.TAB) option, there are two tabs in a parameter selection window of TEMS. Select the tab from top and make sure you have selected the option "Export the events but do not plot in MapInfo", See Snapshot attached. Now run the export process !

Once the tab is created, open the tab in MapInfo. Go to Table --> Maintainence --> Table Structure. Select the TAB which you have opened in MapInfo and click OK. Make sure events is checked, check the "TABLE is Mapable".

Press CTRL + F and click specify.

In Search Table, select the logfile tab.

In "For Objects in Column": Select "events"

Mark with symbol (like arrow) and click OK.

Now Suppose you have call drops, then search for call drop and click OK. There you go

2010-05-05, 05:00 PM
Hi Faib

Thanks for spider information. I tested some logfiles in Mapinfo and working fine :)


There is one hidden utility in mapinfo (Spider.mbx ) , just use it and u can connect serving cells with the DT logs in ur mapinfo

1. Click on Mapinfo tool manager and load the Spider.mbx
2. Export ur logs in tab format along with Serving Cell Id or CI (Information Element )(eg use TEMS to export this IE )
3.Now use Spider.mbx utility and connect cell site data base with ur dt logs in mapinfo
4.Now apply thematic map on export file of Spider as well as ur loaded DT Logs . ( eg u can plot Rx Level thematic on DT Logs and Spider out put as serving Cell id etc etc )

(Well u can perform this kinda analysis in ACTIX )


2010-06-10, 11:16 AM
i have tems file with scanner data.i have to import in plannet and compare with my present model.so basically i have to convert log files in csv with lat,long and rx value of scanner.

I processed with actix and exported rx level tab ,but it does not contain any lat long info.Any idea guy??

when i exported from tems it gives weard lat long in form of text

also simple has only two decimal values on every point eg 42.38 and 69.32.

please help asap

2010-06-11, 03:47 PM
Hi chiku

Can you share some of your data.. May be we can help you..


i have tems file with scanner data.i have to import in plannet and compare with my present model.so basically i have to convert log files in csv with lat,long and rx value of scanner.

I processed with actix and exported rx level tab ,but it does not contain any lat long info.Any idea guy??

when i exported from tems it gives weard lat long in form of text

also simple has only two decimal values on every point eg 42.38 and 69.32.

please help asap

2011-08-17, 12:38 AM
Dear experts;

I need to implemement the TA bin values on mapinfo to identify overshooting in cells.

I have a collection contains number of MR at each TA bin for each cells.

Examlple CI:23452 TA=0 no.of MR=1000
TA=1 no.of MR=400
so in need to implement these data on Mapinfo, is it possible