View Full Version : Installing Cywing + Moshell

2013-05-14, 12:04 AM
Hi there,

Has anyone installed Cywing + Moshell outside of the e******* Network lately ?
I have an old procedure where you download & install cywing from the internet, and then you can install moshell locally without connecting to the e******* net.
I have used it many times successfully, but about 2 months ago I just cannot install Cywing anymore (successfully that is).
Can anybody share an update procedure to perform this installation ?

Thanks in advance.

2013-05-24, 05:24 AM

I recently install Moshell 7.0 on offline mode and it worked for me
Just follow the video

copy and paste as on video
From Moshell user_guide :

Replace step :

10. Download the file http://utran01.au.ao.e*******.se/moshell/cygwin_install.txt to C:/Cygwin .]
11. Click on Start –> Run.
In the "Run" window, type: c:/cygwin/bin/perl c:/cygwin/cygwin_install.txt, then press <enter>.
This will create the following files: c:/cygwin/etc/profile,c:/cygwin/cygwin.bat, c:/cygwin/home/youruserid/.bashrc,
c:/cygwin/home/youruserid/.Xdefaults, c:/cygwin/home/youruserid/.inputrc.
If those files already exist, they are automatically moved to the folder c:/cygwin/tmp/installbackup.

By :

*** In the directory C:\Cygwin , edit the file cygwin.bat:

Delete the line: bash --login -i. At the end of the file add the following (replace xxxx with your user id):

set USER=xxxx
set HOME=/home/xxxx
set SHELL=/bin/bash
rxvt -sl 65000 -e /bin/bash --login -i

*** Open the file C:\Cygwin\etc\profile in a text editor and add the following 6 lines at the end of the file (replace xxxx with your user id!):

export USER=xxxx
export HOME=/home/xxxx
export SHELL=/bin/bash
mkdir -p $HOME
cd $HOME
source $HOME/.bashrc

*** Start a Cygwin Terminal window by clicking on the icon in start menu or on desktop, then run the following commands:

- Type "pwd" at the cygwin prompt and make sure you are in the directory "/home/xxxx".
- CREATE the following 3 files in your "/home/xxxx" directory: .bashrc, .inputrc, and .Xdefaults.

This can be done with the commands:

touch .bashrc
touch .inputrc
touch .Xdefaults

*** Go to the directory C:\Cygwin\home\xxxx (from windows explorer) and open the following 3 files in a text editor:

--> In the ".bashrc" file, put the following lines :

export PS1="\[\033[1m\][\w]\\$\[\033[0m\] "
alias ls='ls -hF –show-control-chars –color=tty'
set -o notify
set -o ignoreeof
shopt -s cdspell
shopt -s cdable_vars
shopt -s checkhash
shopt -s checkwinsize
shopt -s sourcepath
shopt -s histappend
export PATH=$PATH:/home/xxx/moshell

#(where xxxx is your userid) (appending the moshell directory to your PATH variable will enable you to call moshell from any directory).

--> In the ".inputrc" file, put the following lines:

set bell-style visible
set convert-meta Off
set meta-flag on
set output-meta On
set input-meta On
set completion-ignore-case on
set completion-query-items 150
set mark-directories on
set visible-stats On
set show-all-if-ambiguous On
set expand-tilde On
"\e[D": backward-char
"\e[C": forward-char
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
"\e[7~": beginning-of-line
"\e[8~": end-of-line
"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
"\e[4~": end-of-line
"\e[3~": delete-char
"\e[2~": menu-complete
"\M-[2~": paste-from-clipboard # Insert
"\M-q": menu-complete
"\C-d": delete-char
"\C-l": clear-screen
"\C-xdf": dump-functions
"\C-xdv": dump-variables
"\C-xdm": dump-macros

(Type "man bash" if you want to get more information about what these lines do)

--> In the ".Xdefaults" file, put the following lines:

Rxvt*background: Black
Rxvt*foreground: LightGrey
Rxvt*saveLines: 65535
Rxvt*termName: xterm
Rxvt*geometry: 144x64+0+0
Rxvt*loginShell: true
Rxvt*font: "Lucida Console-11"
Rxvt*cutchars: `"'&()*,;<=>? []{|}

(These are just examples of terminal properties, you can change them to fit your needs. Type "man rxvt" to view all available properties)

*** Open a new cygwin terminal window. The window should be black with white text and the prompt should like this: [~]$

2013-05-24, 02:23 PM
Salam Foufate,
I became a little bit confused. Now in Cygwin we have version 1.7 while moshell or decoder worked on vesion 1.5 of Cygwin without any problem
The instruction you mentioned can help to make moshell 9 works under cygwin version 1.7 ?

Do you have a guide to do the same thing for Decoder to make it operational under Cygwin 1.7?



I recently install Moshell 7.0 on offline mode and it worked for me
Just follow the video

copy and paste as on video
From Moshell user_guide :

Replace step :

10. Download the file http://utran01.au.ao.e*******.se/moshell/cygwin_install.txt to C:/Cygwin .]
11. Click on Start –> Run.
In the "Run" window, type: c:/cygwin/bin/perl c:/cygwin/cygwin_install.txt, then press <enter>.
This will create the following files: c:/cygwin/etc/profile,c:/cygwin/cygwin.bat, c:/cygwin/home/youruserid/.bashrc,
c:/cygwin/home/youruserid/.Xdefaults, c:/cygwin/home/youruserid/.inputrc.
If those files already exist, they are automatically moved to the folder c:/cygwin/tmp/installbackup.

By :

*** In the directory C:\Cygwin , edit the file cygwin.bat:

Delete the line: bash --login -i. At the end of the file add the following (replace xxxx with your user id):

set USER=xxxx
set HOME=/home/xxxx
set SHELL=/bin/bash
rxvt -sl 65000 -e /bin/bash --login -i

*** Open the file C:\Cygwin\etc\profile in a text editor and add the following 6 lines at the end of the file (replace xxxx with your user id!):

export USER=xxxx
export HOME=/home/xxxx
export SHELL=/bin/bash
mkdir -p $HOME
cd $HOME
source $HOME/.bashrc

*** Start a Cygwin Terminal window by clicking on the icon in start menu or on desktop, then run the following commands:

- Type "pwd" at the cygwin prompt and make sure you are in the directory "/home/xxxx".
- CREATE the following 3 files in your "/home/xxxx" directory: .bashrc, .inputrc, and .Xdefaults.

This can be done with the commands:

touch .bashrc
touch .inputrc
touch .Xdefaults

*** Go to the directory C:\Cygwin\home\xxxx (from windows explorer) and open the following 3 files in a text editor:

--> In the ".bashrc" file, put the following lines :

export PS1="\[\033[1m\][\w]\\$\[\033[0m\] "
alias ls='ls -hF –show-control-chars –color=tty'
set -o notify
set -o ignoreeof
shopt -s cdspell
shopt -s cdable_vars
shopt -s checkhash
shopt -s checkwinsize
shopt -s sourcepath
shopt -s histappend
export PATH=$PATH:/home/xxx/moshell

#(where xxxx is your userid) (appending the moshell directory to your PATH variable will enable you to call moshell from any directory).

--> In the ".inputrc" file, put the following lines:

set bell-style visible
set convert-meta Off
set meta-flag on
set output-meta On
set input-meta On
set completion-ignore-case on
set completion-query-items 150
set mark-directories on
set visible-stats On
set show-all-if-ambiguous On
set expand-tilde On
"\e[D": backward-char
"\e[C": forward-char
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
"\e[7~": beginning-of-line
"\e[8~": end-of-line
"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
"\e[4~": end-of-line
"\e[3~": delete-char
"\e[2~": menu-complete
"\M-[2~": paste-from-clipboard # Insert
"\M-q": menu-complete
"\C-d": delete-char
"\C-l": clear-screen
"\C-xdf": dump-functions
"\C-xdv": dump-variables
"\C-xdm": dump-macros

(Type "man bash" if you want to get more information about what these lines do)

--> In the ".Xdefaults" file, put the following lines:

Rxvt*background: Black
Rxvt*foreground: LightGrey
Rxvt*saveLines: 65535
Rxvt*termName: xterm
Rxvt*geometry: 144x64+0+0
Rxvt*loginShell: true
Rxvt*font: "Lucida Console-11"
Rxvt*cutchars: `"'&()*,;<=>? []{|}

(These are just examples of terminal properties, you can change them to fit your needs. Type "man rxvt" to view all available properties)

*** Open a new cygwin terminal window. The window should be black with white text and the prompt should like this: [~]$