View Full Version : How to access E******* Internal Web

2013-05-11, 06:23 PM

Can you please guide me how to access E// internal web in order to search the exist info.


2013-05-11, 09:26 PM
If you are E/// engineer, you can.

2013-05-11, 10:02 PM
I think you need to have e******* laptop or a Pin generator from E******* and I think that would be just for E******* employees or your Account manger request it and maybe need to pay 10k USD



Can you please guide me how to access E// internal web in order to search the exist info.


2013-05-13, 01:17 AM
Yes, what babak1349 is right.
You need to have laptop that has ESOE installed.
Some region allowed for contractor to have ESOE laptop which include signum, but some region doesn't provide it, though there's possibility you can request to your project manager/line manager by paying around 10K USD.

I think you need to have e******* laptop or a Pin generator from E******* and I think that would be just for E******* employees or your Account manger request it and maybe need to pay 10k USD


2013-05-13, 04:29 AM
uchok, you are right, I forgot E*******'s terminology, Signum It is really expensive 10k USD, It is not the only expensive thing Some vendors hiring Engineers from their permanent employees from different offices and those engineers are pretty expensive even more than consultants and the sad point is most of those engineers don't have quality of consultant.
Anyway that's the way money is circulating among vendors' offices But why it is , god knows!
Another silly point, account managers get bonuses based on what they are saving But the point is those guys making more problem for projects by cuting necessary expenses (thinking about their own pockets) and later on they end up to pay penalties So loosing more money than what they think they saved


Yes, what babak1349 is right.
You need to have laptop that has ESOE installed.
Some region allowed for contractor to have ESOE laptop which include signum, but some region doesn't provide it, though there's possibility you can request to your project manager/line manager by paying around 10K USD.

2013-05-16, 05:37 AM
It is not true. Engineers from the other E// offices are trained for those tasks and in many cases are cheaper option. Don't forget that those engineers are paid several times less then consultants and they don't benefit financially so much from that work. Also, the offices from where they arrive offer additional services and tools like TEMS Inv, and other different applications. I worked with lot of "consultants" on many different projects and all I noticed that some of them spend more time playing with market stocks etc... It is not a joke... recently I worked with one consultant who was spending 50% of his time on Forex :))) This guy had 9 000 EUR salary... :) enough said...

uchok, you are right, I forgot E*******'s terminology, Signum It is really expensive 10k USD, It is not the only expensive thing Some vendors hiring Engineers from their permanent employees from different offices and those engineers are pretty expensive even more than consultants and the sad point is most of those engineers don't have quality of consultant.
Anyway that's the way money is circulating among vendors' offices But why it is , god knows!
Another silly point, account managers get bonuses based on what they are saving But the point is those guys making more problem for projects by cuting necessary expenses (thinking about their own pockets) and later on they end up to pay penalties So loosing more money than what they think they saved


2013-05-16, 06:01 AM
Hello Darko,
No offense. different people have different experiences It doesn't mean to generalize it But my experiences says something else
I also saw some consultants do nothing and get paid rate and I also I met a lot of permanent employees ( not only in e*******) and do nothing too ( I can tell you even in level of account managers or CPMs)
I know permanent employees don't get financially satisfied when moving to a project far from tier counties But offices get paid more than a consultant for sometimes a junior engineer (not only in E*******)
I have been ina project working as Senior consultant and still permanent Junior costs more than me for that project ( of course they may get paid 1/10 of the money they cost for the project) while I had more than 10 years experiences they were just freshy So why vendors circulating money like this Don't know maybe they want to increase the costs to be able reduce taxes
If a consultant playing on net , it is failure of project manager who should know how to handle his employees and kick out who doesn't work
But my friend even I saw a regional technical manager from E******* with very poor skills
As someone who worked most of the time as consultant , I should tell you, as professional , playing on net is absolutely wrong and causes bad reputation
Working as consultant is not easy at all high rate for couple of months it is true but with very low job security which can not be handled by permanent employees in most of cases
Any how let me tell you, most of cases vendors treating consultants like as a whore,,,,,,
Let know if you want to discuss more about it


It is not true. Engineers from the other E// offices are trained for those tasks and in many cases are cheaper option. Don't forget that those engineers are paid several times less then consultants and they don't benefit financially so much from that work. Also, the offices from where they arrive offer additional services and tools like TEMS Inv, and other different applications. I worked with lot of "consultants" on many different projects and all I noticed that some of them spend more time playing with market stocks etc... It is not a joke... recently I worked with one consultant who was spending 50% of his time on Forex :))) This guy had 9 000 EUR salary... :) enough said...