View Full Version : Question Looking Coverage and Capacity from log file

Aditya HS
2012-12-23, 04:00 AM
Hello Senior

can you solve my problem?
im still beginer in the optimization


2012-12-23, 12:15 PM
what do you mean by looking at the capacity from log file ? Do you mean DT logfile ? if yes then drive test will only tell you the behaviour of the network , you may or may not get a blocked call if the serving site is congested. Best way to check the congestion is with the network statistics.

As far as coverage is concerned, then use the scanner logs and you'll be able to see the coverage and quality of 3G or 2G. Hope it helps, thanks

Aditya HS
2012-12-23, 06:14 PM
Okay I go it

But I have case like this
I got new project that is for new site and for ploting the new site use DT logfile(When any block Call or Bad Quality i plot new Site in that's area)
So When I Plot new site in bad area i have to give Reason That is Coverage Issue or Capacity Issue?
Can you explain how i decide that was capacity or coverage issue?

Thank you

2012-12-23, 07:05 PM
Capacity issue can be determine from stat. While coverage issue can be deduce from logfile.
If 2G, check RXlev
3G check RSCP

Aditya HS
2012-12-24, 06:03 PM
Thank's a lot but What You mean "Capacity issue can be determine from stat"?