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2009-02-24, 10:29 PM

During my drive test in dedicated mode ... I'm trying to observe the TCH that I used during call....but TEMS didn't show any values as shown in pics.....Do you know how to let TEMS show me TCH number

Thanks a lot

2009-02-24, 10:38 PM
hye dude your hopping is enable , thats why u could see TCH ARFCN ( try to see the TCH ARFCN when ur call goes on BCCH Radio or any Fixed TCH Radio etc )


2009-02-24, 10:40 PM
hye dude your hopping is enable , thats why u couldnt see TCH ARFCN ( try to see the TCH ARFCN when ur call goes on BCCH Radio or any Fixed TCH Radio etc )


2009-02-24, 10:40 PM
what mobile did you connect?? please specify UE/MS, TI version.
usually its shown..

2009-02-24, 10:56 PM
what mobile did you connect?? please specify UE/MS, TI version.
usually its shown..

Mobile: K800i
TI version: 8.2.4 'legal'

2009-02-24, 11:49 PM
another point: could I control which Time slot to use during test calls?

2009-02-25, 01:49 AM

During my drive test in dedicated mode ... I'm trying to observe the TCH that I used during call....but TEMS didn't show any values as shown in pics.....Do you know how to let TEMS show me TCH number

Thanks a lot

frequency hopping is enabled so that's why you can't see the arfcn but you can only see bcch frequency on timeslot number 0 your hops are between frequencie number 22 and 60 so probably the tch frequency is 22 because there is no frequency hopping in bcch frequency when you are on trx0 but in other trx you can hop

2009-10-10, 03:37 PM
I agree to ghassen :)

frequency hopping is enabled so that's why you can't see the arfcn but you can only see bcch frequency on timeslot number 0 your hops are between frequencie number 22 and 60 so probably the tch frequency is 22 because there is no frequency hopping in bcch frequency when you are on trx0 but in other trx you can hop

2009-10-10, 04:44 PM
Hopping can be enabled on BCCH TRx, all TSs except for TS0, so the above call is assigned to a TS other than TS0 and it is hopping that's why TEMS is not displaying the TCH ARFCN "if you are hopping TEMS will show the hopping set". The only case you will see the TCH ARFCN using the above mentioned configuration is when you are assigned to TS0 and then you will not be hopping and you will see 22 as a TCH ARFCN.

frequency hopping is enabled so that's why you can't see the arfcn but you can only see bcch frequency on timeslot number 0 your hops are between frequencie number 22 and 60 so probably the tch frequency is 22 because there is no frequency hopping in bcch frequency
when you are on trx0 but in other trx you can hop