View Full Version : Inter-PLMN HO

2012-11-08, 04:53 PM
Dear Huawei experts,

We need to make Inter-PLMN HO between two different operators (different Core & different RAN):

Operator A: primary operator which no need Inter-PLMN HO between operators for its subscribers.
Operator B: secondary operator which needs bidirectional Inter-PLMN HO for its subscribers when its radio condition is not good (low signal).

Following HO types should be applied:

-----------Operator A-----------------------------------------Operator B-----------

2G (B subscribers in A network) <-------to/from------> 2G (B subscribers in B network)
2G (B subscribers in A network) <-------to/from------> 3G (B subscribers in B network)
3G (B subscribers in A network) <-------to/from------> 2G (B subscribers in B network)

Vendor Operator A: Huawei BSC6900/RNC6900
Vendor Operator B: NSN

Core & RAN configuration is ready in Operator B.
Core configuration is ready in Operator A.

But RAN is not ready in Operator A. We need RAN configuration step by step in Huawei BSC6900/RNC6900.