View Full Version : Global Mapper 14.0 beta

2012-08-30, 03:47 PM
Blue Marble Geographics is pleased to announce the availability of the initial beta release of Global Mapper v14.0.

You can download and install the v14.0 beta from the links below. Global Mapper v14.0 will install alongside any older version of Global Mapper so you don't have to worry about overwriting any of your existing files or losing your currently registered version. After installing, you can request a 2 week trial from the initial registration dialog that appears.

32-bit: http://www.globalmapper.com/downloads/global_mapper14_setup.exe
64-bit: http://www.globalmapper.com/downloads/global_mapper14_setup_64bit.exe

Among the significant changes in version 14.0 are:

- Support for reading and writing data into spatial databases including, ESRI ArcSDE, ESRI File and Personal Geodatabases, MySQL, Oracle Spatial, and PostGIS
- A significantly reorganized Digitizer right-click menu with functions conveniently organized by type along with a new Favorites toolbar that allows quick access to commonly used commands
- The addition of a new convenient Terrain Analysis menu containing such functions as Generate Contours, Combine Terrain Layers, Generate Watershed, and other terrain tools.
- Support for Web Feature Services (WFS) providing access to online vector data sources
- Support for exporting loaded data to CADRG/CIB, ASRP/ADRG, and Garmin JNX format files
- A new tool for calculating the volume between two terrain surfaces
- A new terrain analysis tool for delineating ridgelines
- Improved attribute searching with the option to select specific layers to search
- Enhanced Digitizer editor functions such as freehand rotating and cropping multiple areas to a line
- Updated copy/paste functionality that allows the selection of a destination layer when pasting
- A new tool for calculating the cost of premium data purchases based on export area and required resolution

As with all previous releases, version 14 expands the list of file formats that can be imported and exported by Global Mapper and offers support for many new and updated projections and datums. All of the improvements and enhancements are listed in the What's New document that is displayed during installation.

The official release of Global Mapper is planned for mid September, 2012. For questions about upgrading or network licensing, email gmorders@bluemarblegeo.com.

Global Mapper's development is driven in large part by comments and suggestions from existing customers. To that end, we encourage your feedback on this latest release and we look forward to providing the GIS functionality that you need in future versions.


2012-08-30, 08:22 PM
Dear Zeuscane,

What about the old med from global mapper 13..I installed the 14 version but it request a license.
Anybody has the license file or the med please.


2012-08-30, 09:01 PM
At this time there is no available med also because it was changed the structure of the license.
You can, however, request a trial license after installing the program.
The installation does not overwrite precedent versions .
