View Full Version : Iur performance evaluation

2012-07-24, 04:09 PM
Hello experts,

I'm using E******* WRAN, and I want to check my Iur performance.

Please suggest which KPI and counters to look at in order to get the best picture of the Iur Utilization/Congestion/Traffic.

Thanks in advance!


2012-07-25, 01:38 AM
Hello experts,

I'm using E******* WRAN, and I want to check my Iur performance.

Please suggest which KPI and counters to look at in order to get the best picture of the Iur Utilization/Congestion/Traffic.

Thanks in advance!


Hi! If you have Iur over ATM you may use same counters as for Iub over ATM including number of establishments of outgoing connections, congestions for classes A, B and etc.
In addition there are some counters for drops (pmNoNormalRabReleaseSpeech, pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech) in IurLinks.

Thanks and reps are appreciated.

2012-07-27, 03:24 PM
forgot to mention - Iur over IP only.