View Full Version : What is the loop, waiting time, time out, redail trigger ?

2012-06-08, 03:57 PM
1.What is the loop?
2.What is the waiting time?
3.in dail
a.what time out?
b.what is redail trigger

completion :(

1. Loop is how much you want to repeat the command under the "loop". if you specify:
Circle (100)
-MS1 - Dial: Voice
-MS1 - Wait [15]
the above command means that you will repeat the command & Dial Wait for the MS1 to 100 times.
2. Wait time means how long "wait time" after the first command to run the next command. in this example:
Circle (100)
-MS1 - Dial: Voice
-MS1 - Wait [15]
that the sample mean MS1 after voice calls and connect to the target (called "Dedicated Mode") and then after ending the call, will be changed to the "Wait".
If you set the wait time = 15 seconds, MS1 will be in "Idle Mode" 15 seconds.
So, if you have a request to test a voice call using the 120/10, it means you have to set the "Dial" -> duration of 120 seconds and the "Wait" -> Wait for 15 seconds.
3. In the Command Dial:
a. Time Out: Time out (second) is the time duration when MS will assess that there is no response from the target.
b. Redial Trigger: if there are shows like "Call Blocked", "Call Down" or "Time Out" which causes the MS can not connect to the target rate, MS will call again (try again to call).