View Full Version : CS drop increase in RNC with IuCS over IP

2012-05-16, 10:20 AM
Dear GURU's,
Would appreciate if someone could share on how I could improve the DROP for CS calls when we had deployed the IuCS over IP.The drop calls incresed almost double. We also noticed the jitter measurements and packet loss increased. It would be very greatfull if someone could guide me on how to fix this problem. Your kind advice and support very much appreciated.

Thank you,

2012-05-16, 10:07 PM
Hello Rifa,

It sounds like a tunning problem from router side. Let your IT engineers help you in configuration from router side, and thigs should go well. I have not done it before but from what you mentioned, this is the right place to start.


2012-05-21, 03:04 AM
Thank you. By the way what kind of tunning you are refering. Any setting mismatch?

2012-10-20, 07:37 PM
hi rifa,any update?which counters needs to be checked to see issues on IUcs?

2012-10-28, 03:38 PM
routing optimization and proper qos treatment...check with your mpbn/it guys...whever handles that MPBN/IP-BB network...nodes...