View Full Version : RMS Locking Code Generator Source

2012-04-27, 08:03 PM
Here's the source code and binaries of my own version of wechoid.

I was mainly interested in AIRCOM's standard custom and extended custom callbacks of their locking code generator and wrote this small tool to verify my findings.
As you may know, the standard and extended custom locking criteria is used by SafeNet's customers to customize the locking code for their own needs (wow, I definitely should customize - ehm - modify the first two sentences and use another word instead of 'custom').
The default locking selector of AIRCOM is 1260 (0x500) which means that the locking code only depends on these two selectors:
0x100 - determines wether the program is running under a VM or not
0x400 - returns the hard disk serial number
AIRCOM has used the source code from WinSim's DiskId32 to retrieve the hdd serial number - which was a nice thing because DiskId32 is freely available and I only had to download the source code myself.

I didn't used anything from the RMS SDK - everything is dynamically loaded from lsapiw32.dll (which is included).
Hence the source code is also an example what you can do without having the SDK.


2013-04-03, 09:00 PM
Hello Master zementmischer (http://www.finetopix.com/member.php?45073-zementmischer)
Thanks for great post. It is very interesting I am not good in programming I have a couple of questions and I'd like to take a little bit of your valuable time to help me to understand better.
If we have other tool how we can check standard and Extended custom codes are generated ? Standard Custom is a fixed string based on the application?
If in the tool there is a echoId, how we can see based on what the lock code generated ? ( meant standard and extended customs)

Best Regards

2013-12-12, 06:22 PM
I can't combine locking code by wechoid.exe because I can't choose Old Style???Anyone can help me???

2013-12-12, 06:34 PM
u use win 7
so right click wechoid.exe >> choise Properties>> in Compatibility>>active Run this program in compatibility

and in Privilege Level active Run this program as......

now old style work

2013-12-12, 06:44 PM
I've already done like your instruction but it still not work, need restart computer???

u use win 7
so right click wechoid.exe >> choise Properties>> in Compatibility>>active Run this program in compatibility

and in Privilege Level active Run this program as......

now old style work

2013-12-12, 07:07 PM
please watch this video

2013-12-12, 07:14 PM

Please up to 4share or email to me: hs.robby@gmail.com. I can't download here. Thanks so much!

2013-12-17, 11:35 PM
Can this tool used for generating tems license?

thanks and reputation deserved.


2013-12-18, 10:14 AM
This tool can't generate tems license. It is used for getting the information about your computer to generate license.

Can this tool used for generating tems license?

thanks and reputation deserved.