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2012-04-23, 09:30 PM

i have a situtation here. i may need to change my current profile from NPI to core engineer(switch). i am working in NPI since 4 years. is it a wise decision or it can spoil my careeer? pl put ur suggestion in keeping mind long term situation

2012-04-23, 09:48 PM
I think building a new career path like building your self from the beginning,, So if you have a 4 years of experience in NPI you can develop your self more in this career path better than changing your career path unless you've a good offer (position+Salary) but I don't recommend it since you'll face a lot of issues with the experienced guys in core (who have a better experience in core more than you)....

2012-04-23, 11:49 PM
i'd switch to core if i had the chance, core networks expertise is more valued..
everyone could be an rf engineer if they had the chance, most of rf engineers in my countries are fresh graduate..

2012-04-25, 07:20 AM
I think everything depends on opportunities, If your salary will be better than that as NPI Engineer, please change quickly your profile. As far as I know, there is more Engineers in the core Network than in RF. Career migration depends on jobs opportunities (I mean Money). Respect to Lamagica's comments, for a fresh graduate both fields are likely (anyone can be an in NPI or Core) this means that if you don't have any experience you have to compete with fresh engineer, but I know Engineers that say they have several years of experience but they are unemployed because they cannot demonstrate such experience as they said to have. Lamagica can be the clear example of a unhappy, frustrated and unsuccessful engineer wanting a new job in another field.



i have a situtation here. i may need to change my current profile from NPI to core engineer(switch). i am working in NPI since 4 years. is it a wise decision or it can spoil my careeer? pl put ur suggestion in keeping mind long term situation

2012-04-25, 12:18 PM
i certainly didnt expect someone able to judge my state of mind and happiness so quickly.
mike, no disrespect but did i offend you in some way..?
i was just replied for auto_art question in a thread in a forum...
am i happy? of course am i happy. i cherish every day i wake up and thankful for god for every thing He gives me..
am i frustrated? not a bit.. wanting a new challenge? yes, i am open in learning new stuffs
am i unsuccessful as an engineer? that depends, i have to ask my current and previous bosses.. :) but i havent received any complaints. actually i want to ask you something, mike.. what is the parameters for one considered a successful engineer..? contributing in a forum that supposed to be a media for knowledge sharing and received lot of reputations..? well congrats then...
mike, in most of forums or community, your previous posting could be considered as an individual attack or flaming.. but, thats ok with me.

auto_art sorry if i ruin your thread, i hope u are open minded :)

2012-04-25, 01:54 PM
hey mike & lam

peace buddies.

i realy needed a suggestions. look this in this way.

i put this here & this is helpful for me. some other can also took help from this to develop his her career path. thiese litle litle discussion can be helpful for setting the mind in right way.

2012-04-25, 02:58 PM
Greetings Lamagica,

I was surprised after reading your comment "everyone could be an rf engineer" !!!

I think this sentence is incorrect (with all my respect), every body can hold any position if he want it and works hard to get it, regarding RF Engineering, Yes any body can be a DT Engineer (Most of the Fresh Graduates are DT Engineers) but that doesn't mean that any body can be a Planner, Analyzer nor Optimizer....

Regarding the Salary, Core Engineers and RF Engineers are approximately the same (differences between markets depend on the market needs it self), i.e. you can make a salary survey on Indeed.com and you'll find that in this time RF Engineers in USA are having a better salary rather than Core Engineers...

Dear auto_art,

If you're an RF Engineer (more than 3 years of experience) and happy with your career path but you're looking for a good salary please check below a salary comparison between RF and Core Engineers,


2012-04-25, 03:45 PM
off course every one could be an rf engineer, or core engineer or whatever field they want to work for if they studied it and if they had the chance
take for example, in developing countries where network roll out is very fast and in a great numbers, the demands for rf engineers is very big that makes vendors want to hire fresh graduates as their optimization team or at least as a drivetester.. and even because the demand for optimization engineer so big, sometimes they promote drive tester with two or three yerars experience.
and telecommunication is not very specific field, even my friend who studied power engineering now work as radio optimization engineer, this field (also core engineering) is something that can be learnt.

for auto_art, if you want to enhance you career further, whether as consultant or in operator, having experience and expertise in different areas (radio and core) should be a great advantage for you.. and i still think you should take the chance to explore or learn something new, if eventually you dont like it, you can always go back as NPI radio...
just dont become that unsuccessful, unhappy and frustrated engineer.. :)

2012-04-25, 04:03 PM
Dear Lamagica,

I respect your latest comment, but I don't recommend to change his career path, he will start from the beginning and he will loose his years of experience (if he make a roll back, his colleagues will have a better experience of him) , to be honest I've changed my career path to RF Planner instead of managing turn key projects, I think RF Planning is a great step in my career path (both from the Technical and Salary sides) and it wasn't totally changing my career path (since I worked on different types of projects; RF, Core, Implementation and Transmission), so I developed my career path rather than changing it,

I'm also having a question, you mentioned above: "most of rf engineers in my countries are fresh graduate..", May I know What is your country???

Dear auto_art,

May I know your reasons??


2012-04-25, 05:26 PM
in the end it's all depend on auto_art, we are here just want to give an idea which is better choice to stay in NPI or change course into core..

change course to core:
+extend more horizon and career (high knowledge -> high opportunity to make consulting company)
-start over the beginning->salary is start over like a beginner position

stay in NPI
+higher salary and more experience (from my point of view, a lot of job required max experience is 5 years to get a high position)
+not starting from beginning
-i don't know the minus from your point of view


2012-04-26, 03:01 PM
I would stay in RF would move to core only if I was really passionate by it.


i have a situtation here. i may need to change my current profile from NPI to core engineer(switch). i am working in NPI since 4 years. is it a wise decision or it can spoil my careeer? pl put ur suggestion in keeping mind long term situation